
What if I said I felt that the Japanese Saturn library is better than the American PS1 library?

I will agree with your Metacritic stance D-bag. I will also say that Super Nintendo was superior to the Genesis.

I used to really like 1up before they were bought by UGO because I had really got to know the writers due to their time at EGM and all the video and audio podcasts they did.

Hold up there Doc D-Bag! I'm not defending anyone! I really don't even read the game reviews. I'm just here for the comments. I was just wondering what Mike was into because I've seen him grumble about the reviews here before. Just trying to get a little dialog going. Whoa!

Yo Mike,

I bought it! But I'm a big sucker.

I think its funny - its very lowbrow and rips off material from everything, but it has its moments. It also help if you're drinking and you have a tolerance for this kind of shit.

I would say the swing revival is worse than one of the many ska revivals simply because everyone started taking swing dance lessons. I don't remember many 40 year olds skankin around.

I would say that Girl Talk isn't selling his music and does not pass it off as his own. He's a dj.


I always see guys just like Depp at the local tavern. I bet he drunkenly rides a snowmobile.

I too would have sex with her, but she does seem surly and very boring.

@ Pontoon
That was a great answer and I would like to get it tattooed on my dog.
I do not own a dog.

Do you know that no one tried to contact her? I'd be interested in knowing?

I suggest heading over to reddit as they seem to have a huge Deadmau5 boner.

I would say that the skits are just as entertaining as the rest of the show - especially in the MST3k Film.

Gerbil, you brighten my day in all the right ways.

Cyndi Lauper also had a recent song produced by Kleerup who has produced a few Robyn tracks. Good stuff.

Things wack MCs tend to do:

Mayhaps her friend Dignan will come a bust her out and lay down a five year plan for her future.