Existentialist Fuck

This movie is a perfect model for humanity
Vapid, devoid of any artistic merit (if such a thing ever existed in the first place), and pandering to the basest of man's instincts. We mock its absurdity, its lack of self-awareness, its laughable ineptitude, when we as a species share those same traits.

Ah, Halloween, that magical time of year when people can dress up like idiots and parade around like an assortment of technicolor freaks, begging for candy or sex like depraved animals. Of course the joke is on them; humans put on their ridiculous outfits every day when they go to work or school, slaving away for

There is no such thing as the noble hero. We are all varying shades of appalling, and thus varying shades of nothingness. The man who does wrong by his neighbor is no more noble than the man who gives up his life for his neighbor. We are all just hurtling inevitably toward irrelevance, and what we do in our

So what
Sex is just another futile attempt to find some pleasure in our worthless lives. Instead it just breeds jealousy, anger, guilt, feelings of inadequacy and hatred. The sooner we give up these vain urges the sooner we can attain some sort of reason to carry on in this uncaring world.