Uncle Caveman

The fact that she looked like a Holocaust survivor made American Beauty worse than Hitler. The plastic bag flying around in the wind made it worse than Stalin.

I read Blackbriar around 8th grade or so. I don't remember many details, but I remember it being a good creepy story.

@Ghost Chili: Yes, legal until the Keene Act is signed into law.

When the mechs were advancing and Margaret called the kid Jimmy over and said "You watch my back, I'll watch yours," am I the only sick fuck that thought, "Ooh, they're gonna hook up!"?

"Fraulein Ravenwood, let me show you what I am used to…"

Anybody remember the John Ritter movie Hero At Large, about a struggling actor who resorts to playing a known superhero at public appearances and such, and decides to become a real superhero after foiling a robbery? They used to run it on CBS back in the early 80's, and although I haven't seen it since then, I

The Ben Gazzara lip syncing scene was genius. '98 was a helluva year for Gazzara, by the way; Buffalo 66, The Big Lebowski and Happiness, all in a row. Lebowski's my favorite out of those (didn't care for Happiness all that much), but his role as Billy's dad in Buffalo 66 was great, especially the part where he gets

It's just Carl Sagan's Cosmos with some glib pop-culture references thrown in apropos of nothing.

First rule of Superman: He shouldn't look like pure evil.

@Archmage: According to the silver and bronze-age comics I read as a kid, Superman's costume was made of his swaddling clothes that his parents wrapped him up in when they place him in the spaceship, so it's made of Kryptonian material and is invulnerable when in a yellow-sun environment, and he used to be able to do

That brings up the question, why does Superman even need a cape? What function does it serve? Batman needs a cape, as he uses it as a weapon, as a protective cloak, as a parachute, an intimidation device, etc. All Superman ever does with his cape is wrap Lois Lane up in it when he flies her to the Fortress of

That picture, is that right before the chimp gets bitten by a radioactive Franco?

At least the "S" is a decent size, and not the dinky little "S" like on Brandon Routh's costume, which looked like the time when I was 4 and I dropped my 12-inch plush Superman doll on the wet floor of the bathroom at a high school basketball game, and the "S", which was just glued on, came off, so I cut the "S" out

"Speaking as someone who has a working relationship with Ingrid Newkirk…"

I liked it! It said everything that needed to be said. It's like you took the words out of my mouth.

The inevitable comment from my father-in-law
"You seen that show 'Same Name'? It's pretty good."

Moby Dick 19. "The whale STILL looks fake!"

I'm strong! Like the Hulk! ARGGGHHHH!!!