
The strange thing about Senator Feinstein and McCain is that there statements are downright lies or carefully worded statements that are meant to deceive the public. The information out there in the public sector: Peter Bergen's "Manhunt" book,  Mark Bowden's new book about Bin Laden, Wikileaks, Leon Panetta's

How can you possible forget the very young, very sexy, unknown Marisa Tomei as a regular on the first sesason (the only white student we saw)? She mysteriously disappeared after that.


People who think Tony lived don't let something as silly as "evidence" get in the way of their delusions.  God, I sure hope those people never get called for jury duty.

People who think Tony lived don't let something as silly as "evidence" get in the way of their delusions.  God, I sure hope those people never get called for jury duty.

This is silly.  The argument is the other way around.  Some people say that there is no proof that God exisits beause there is no real evidence of it and science proves the theory of evolution.  Then the believers say "well you can't prove that God doesn't exist!'  as if the burden is on the non-believers to prove a

This is silly.  The argument is the other way around.  Some people say that there is no proof that God exisits beause there is no real evidence of it and science proves the theory of evolution.  Then the believers say "well you can't prove that God doesn't exist!'  as if the burden is on the non-believers to prove a

The point was Harris was becoming a little like Tony (with the mistress and family issues, which we hear when he's yelling at his wife in the car when he's with Tony at the airport).  So that it makes a little more sense when he later gives Tony Phil's location.

The point was Harris was becoming a little like Tony (with the mistress and family issues, which we hear when he's yelling at his wife in the car when he's with Tony at the airport).  So that it makes a little more sense when he later gives Tony Phil's location.



By the way, Chase never said "It doesn't matter" so stop propagating that myth.  He said that as a simple plot point the question of whether Tony died or not is not as important as what his ultimate meaning and his intended effect of the final scene was.

By the way, Chase never said "It doesn't matter" so stop propagating that myth.  He said that as a simple plot point the question of whether Tony died or not is not as important as what his ultimate meaning and his intended effect of the final scene was.

Amen brother.  Glad I didn't listen to that podcast!

Amen brother.  Glad I didn't listen to that podcast!



Yeah.  This nonsense was spread around right after the final aired.  It actually had me looking in the credits for "Nikki Leotardo."!

Yeah.  This nonsense was spread around right after the final aired.  It actually had me looking in the credits for "Nikki Leotardo."!

Interesting. Thanks Jordo.  Perhaps you need to see it again without expectations.  The best movies (for me at least) don't always make that inital connection.