
Seriously? The Michael Pena "he told her to tell me to tell you" stuff were the most Edgar Wright-y bits of the whole movie.

Calling somebody "Nickleback-Lite" is like saying someone is kinda like Kenny G without the hard-core edge.

I bailed at the trailer when it said, "From Directly Michael Bay . . . " From the chorus of agonized moans, the whole theater I was in at the time felt the same way.

Nah, an asshole serves a useful purpose.

An Ice-T biopic would be a half hour of music and the next hour and a half on the set of "Law & Order: SVU".

Promised all his employees at the laundromat a part in his first real life show.

Yeah, but a little of that goes a LONG way. Quoth Futurama with regard to divine intervention:When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all. (If a bunch of literal fuckin' angels were going to lead them to the promised land, it would've been nice if they hadn't fucked around for four years

Yeah, I don't mind goofy costumes here and there, but the way-too-early CGI was pretty awful. You'd almost prefer a pie-plate on a string.

Absolutely. Revisions are always possible and probably necessary, just for the love of crap, don't ditch one without having another one in-mind.

Still haven't seen much of B5. It's right up my alley, it's just never been on a service I'm willing to pay for.

I don't know, I think any serialized show should have at least a blueprint for how things are going to end. It doesn't need to be perfect and it can change if you get a better idea, but in this day and age there isn't really an excuse for not having some kind of end-game. Something along the lines of a rough four

Yeah, but that's a problem with you close off all every remotely plausible avenue, leaving yourself nothing but a deus ex machina to explain what's been going on. (It's also known as the "Stephen King conundrum").

It was undeniably great, but in hindsight it was the beginning of the end. When they started demystifying the Cylons (without any idea of what the plan or end-game was going to eventually be) they really screwed themselves. From there, the twists start getting random and clunky, with an increasing feeling of "grasping

I think they just kept piling on super-unexpected and cool-ass twists without ANY idea of how they might logically pay off, deciding they could figure it out later. They painted themselves into, like, nine different corners until they were left with, "because magic or God or some shit." Why were Baltar and Six in

Aww. "Burt Macklin, coming in July. Find him exclusively at Hot Topic!"
I guess he'll remain lost.

"This is going to be the least age-appropriate thing we've ever SEEN!"

That happened to me YEARS ago when a buddy of mine and I went to a movie theater that was, like, four days away from closing forever. We saw the Mel Gibson movie "Payback". One dude was working the whole theater, so he sold us our tickets. Ripped them in half. Then jogged back to the nearly barren concession stand

I saw it not too long ago, Dan Aykroyd's hammy "insane" schtick gets old in a hurry, but "Annoyed Gene Hackman" is always good for a laugh.

Fun fact, we are now as far removed from the 90s Brady Bunch movie as the Brady Bunch Movie was from the ACTUAL Brady Bunch.

There are several that I'd never call GOOD, but it's surprising they're at dead zero. Gator, The Incredible Shrinking Woman, Slaughter High, DeepStar Six, Loose Cannons, etc.