
That's one of those movies I am ALWAYS willing to watch. But yeah, that's an awful damn title.

Of course, the story would be told entirely in doodles in the margins of that kid's homework.

I love watching movies in an empty theater. I travel for work and often catch a movie if I'm early for my hotel, so I've been able to see some pretty big movies in 3D in a completely abandoned theater. That's how I caught "Dr. Strange","Captain America: Civil War", "MIB3", "Ant-Man", "Guardians of the Galaxy",

God, I fuckin' loved American Ninja. For a ten year old in the 80's, it was THE PERFECT movie.
The bad-guy ninja had fuckin' laser gloves!!

". . . I just don't understand why there aren't more white characters in this African nation. I thought we were all about "equal representation" now."

Aside from a lot of those mentioned (my top two would be Nirvana and Queen), Beastie Boys around '94 and Van Halen around '84 before the "Van Hagar"era. Janis Joplin would've been another.

My parents were dead in the middle of this whole thing, but they were off being pseudo-hippies in Nevada.
It's been damned entertaining over the years to watch them gradually come to the realization that their generation has really fucked things up for the rest of us.

The only problem is most of them look too good. Perry is appropriately weathered (cocaine is a hell of a drug) but Jennifer Aniston looks identical to how she looked in the final episode. Gonna need some CGI to ugly everybody up.
At least this time they can stick Matt LeBlanc in Courtney Cox's old fat suit.

Never watched that one, but from what I've heard, probably?

So we can get a series about all their kids in therapy. (You can throw in Phoebe's triplet kids/nieces and nephews, they'd all be about 18.)

I think they made that show. I think it was called, "Some Asshole Won't Let Us Off This Island."

Episode titles: "The One with Joey's Aortic Valve Replacement", "The One when Phoebe's Paranoid Manifesto Lands Her On the FBI Terror Watch List", "The One Where Chandler's Put On 72 hour Suicide Watch", "The One Where Rachel Accidentally Hits On (22 year old) Ben", and "The One With Ross's Sanity Hearing".

Or the 55 year old who TRIES to date 23 year olds.
I'm guessing his "How YOU doin'?" schtick wouldn't work as well when he's 55 and balding.

My favorite example of this was Joey, where he went from a generally normal non-intellectual (who still reads novels like The Shining for pleasure, even if he does need to occasionally put it in the freezer) to functionally illiterate by the end of the show.

Whenever I think of these reunion shows, my mind immediately goes to the bleakest possible outcome. So Chandler and Monica are divorced, Chandler's on serious psychiatric meds for an anxiety disorder, and their kids have sued for emancipation after a "Mommie Dearest" episode with Monica (now the head cook at a

I'm not sure how legit this is, but I've got a memory drifting around my head of a story regarding the start of the anti-vivisection movement, where a supposedly completely anaesthetized dog woke up mid-vivisection and went running through the college campus with its organs streaming behind it, horrifying everyone.

I can see that, defeating a candlestick and straight razor with a book and towel, respectively. Still, that's a great fight in spite of the shaky-cam and editing. What WOULD have been two rapid cuts had become eight or nine hyperactive cuts, and the sway of the camera had become so jittery that it didn't so much

That's why Uber (and "ride sharing" companies, in general) are dependent on a culture of goodwill and fair play, and why Uber is getting brutally raked over the coals for being scummy. Without the legal framework in place that regulates regular taxi services you're kind of at the mercy of drivers and the (easily

It's part of the issue with anti-competitive regulatory schemes that stifle competition. (Which seems to be the only type of regulation Republicans don't have a problem with). Zero competition leads to no incentives to improve or update anything.

Oh, yeah, the outfits make sense, she was a prudish public defender with a Princess DIana obsession. I also think I read somewhere that Markie Post was sick of doing the bombshell routine .