
Hmm, take a SUPER thin premise backed by non-existent psychology that falls apart at the slightest examination and then . . . examine the shit out of it. How could that possibly go wrong?

Well, yeah, true enough, and it wasn't TERRIBLE, it was just a waste of a pretty nifty idea. For one, it needed to be darker around the edges among the wackiness. A core aspect of the premise (living and working in a superhero world) is that there are constant large-scale superhero battles tearing up the city,

That was still just window-dressing, though. They could've been wacky Norwegian industrialists and done the exact same story with the exact same beats and (most of) the same jokes. It's one of those things that STARTs in an interesting place (okay, the underachieving son has to impress important clients to please his

That monologue definitely ranks up there on the "great moments in otherwise shitty films" list.

See, I didn't think they executed their premise at all. I can only think of one episode . . . maybe two at most, where the plot couldn't have easily been tossed into Parks and Rec or The Office or basically ANY workplace sitcom in the last few decades. Easily the best episode was the one where she started dating a

Christ, that's bad. It's a series made out of five seconds of a shitty open mic comedy night set in a nursing home. "These Millennials are crazy, man, what with their computers and blogs and buzzfeeds and the twitter and the online."

It was a good premise, but for some reason the writers decided that, instead of writing stories that couldn't be told anywhere else, they'd just recycle every hacky office-workplace sitcom trope from the last fifty years. It's the exact same problem they had with "The Muppets". Why do these people think that once they

Up there with Raul Julia in the "shitty final film" contest.

Sasheer Zamata had a scary-good Lynne Thigpen impression. To the point I was a little confused during the opening voiceover. (Did they get Lynne Thigpen for this? Wait, didn't she die, like, fifteen years ago?)

Yeah, Flash season one was all "Woo-hoo, being a superhero is fuckin' rad!" Then the fun-police showed up and decided to end all the shenanigans and get down to the very serious and mopey business of fighting giant telepathic gorillas.

I watch all the Superhero-y shows and generally enjoy all of them. That said, I could go the rest of my life without seeing one more argument about keeping secrets or who doesn't trust who.

I always thought the finger thing was from The Twilight Zone episode "Number 12 Looks Just Like You". Specifically, this guy https://s-media-cache-ak0.p…

All you need to know about "Spy" is that it contains the line, "I'm the person who's going to cut your dick off and glue it to your forehead so you look like a limp-dick unicorn."

Yeah, I don't think it's gotten better. Now we build entire shows around each one of those idiots that would get five minutes on Springer and air them in prime-time.

"If they couldn't resist plugging Burt's comeback, they could have at least youthened Bacahrach up digitally . . ."
Not a lot of digital age manipulation in 1999.

People are only allowed to refer to him as whatever the fuck character he's currently playing or preparing for. Nobody's called him his given name to his face since 1995.

That was an awesome interview. Paraphrasing from memory, "I was getting going, then I started getting really bad chest pains. So I stopped. After a while, the chest pains went away, so I started again. And my chest started hurting again, so I stopped again. I was about to start again, and I realized I might actually

I honestly think it's easier than that . . . The Flash S1 was FUN. The characters were enjoying themselves week after week, getting a kick out of going after and defeating colorful bad guys. There was SERIOUS DRAMA around the fringes, but it never really interfered with "WOO, BEING A SUPERHERO IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!"

Didn't Savitar come from Flashpoint? So . . . would that make him Flashpoint Barry? But that doesn't make sense, since he remembers everything Barry knows . . . so he HAS to be "our" Barry from the future. But he was still the one restoring Flashpoint superpowers to fight The Flash gang . . . for some reason, so what

Thankee sai.