
I'm legitimately shocked it took this long for this quote to show up.

God, just reading the name "Long John Silvers" makes my face feel greasy.

Better or just larger? I figure a Hardee's fish sandwich would contain four entire sea-bass and enough tartar sauce to drown a pig . . . which would then be slow-roasted and added to the sandwich.

You missed a reference: the sunroom/greenhouse with Cecil and Old Man Tunt was a pretty obvious shout-out to "The Big Sleep". It's where Marlowe first meets the wheelchair-ridden millionaire to kick-off the story. It also has one of my favorite standalone lines: "Do you like orchids? Ugh. Nasty things. Their flesh is

So all the women are blonde and super-hot and racially tolerant and all the men are De Nomolos from Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey?

Nobody watched it, but that Fugitive TV show was pretty damned good.

I'm seeing AIDA getting her new human body and . . . everything's exactly the same since she always had the capacity for human feeling, she's just a shitty person.

That was specifically a Trump line from the Access Hollywood thing. Though I wouldn't put it past Bill O'Reilly either.

Another, even more direct dig at Trump: when Sunil Bakshi is shown getting ready to air, he's hitting on a woman by suggesting he take her furniture shopping.

It might have been okay if it had been clear from the beginning, stupidity and all. But it was the big giant mystery the whole movie revolved around. "What is his diabolical plan!" It would have made exactly as much sense as if had been, "we're going to clone unicorns that will stab everyone to death and something

We have a name for Avengers 3, it's Avengers: Infinity War. You might have heard of it. We don't have a name for the one after that, because it's apparently spoiler-y.
There, summed up the article for you.

Sure, Thor ages, but over thousands and thousands of years, not a couple of decades. There's also a good argument to be made that Steve Rogers should age far slower than a regular person. And, yes, Vision, if he's around.

The whole giant conspiracy of that movie really irritated the shit out of me. To the point of being almost offensive. The whole thing
(SPOLIERS for a dumb-shit twist)
was that Sam Jackson was able to convince 99% of the world's leaders and rich people to murder the whole goddamn planet via rage-gas with a carefully

We were at the museum with my nephew, who temporarily got caught up in a class field-trip that had nothing to do with us and nearly ended up on their bus. We were wondering what the teachers would think if they ended a field trip with more kids than they started with.

"He's a rebel. They call him, "The Rebel". As a teenager I kind of identified with him."

I've never been a huge comics reader, but the Watchmen universe has always seemed fundamentally incompatible with the larger DC universe, in that the point of view and lessons of Watchmen would literally break the foundation of a "normal" superhero universe. And without the point of view of the universe, Watchmen is

Batman Vs Rawshark sounds pretty awesome, actually.

You just strayed a little into "Black Dynamite" territory. Which is never a bad thing.

Reading the rules, you THINK you've got a handle on it, then something else shows up. "Oh, it's a lot like Euchre." Except you have to bid for tricks. And then there's a "dummy" hand where that person puts their cards face up. And then there's something about scoring "below the line". And then the bids are added to

I find it kind of amazing that they've more or less invented a very specific new genre. Call it "Midwest Rural Noir".