
God, I love that movie. Paul Giamatti having the time of his life feasting on every inch of scenery was a beautiful thing.

I had a similar thought, when Martens stripped away her purpose for living (her military service) while simultaneously bitching about "this younger generation", she really had nothing left to lose. She went from a horribly traumatic incident, then told to lie, then told to throw a member of her squad under the bus, to

My 21 Jump Street memory is really specific. It was an episode where Peter DeLouise had a suspect he was CERTAIN committed some crime or other. He sweated the guy for a full two days until he got his confession. And just as he got it, it turned out his guy was completely innocent, and they had somebody else dead to

You could sorta get away with it . . . sorta. It's only during Return of the Jedi that Yoda says Luke is the last Jedi. So as long as everybody'd dead by then . . .

"knowing that there are only so many options today’s consumers have for narcissistic, hypocritically moralizing gasbags shouting the news."
Please don't characterize any of the inane claptrap Bill O'Reilly bloviates as "news".

Please don't fuck the pizza.

And you're not qualified to judge a hamburger unless you're from Hamburg.

Yeah, fast-food everything is like that, with the most glaring example being Taco Bell, which isn't within a country mile of Mexican food. When I crave Mexican, I don't think of Taco Bell. But if I want Taco Bell, an actual, real-life taco isn't going to cut it.

Perhaps it's the four pounds of lard they cook it in.

"On the nose" is a good thing if it's as weirdly specific as Plant screaming about Valhalla in a comic book movie about Norse gods. It's only a problem when it's something that's already been done a half-billion times (See: Fortunate Son over anything Vietnam War related). So unless there are a bunch of other movies

"Because, really, if you're bored and you're listless, you just need to get yourself an enemy." -Jack Terricloth

Kinda like that terrifying fish aspic horror. Why the fuck did people think that putting literally everything into gelatin was an awesome idea?

Okay, how do you feel?
I dunno, kinda want a cigarette.
Great! What's your brand?
Anything slim!

But it's a good explanation for why none of their kids look at all alike, what with all the key parties . . .

Poor wife was pregnant for most of the 70's.

Was the coach an actual character, or was it just one of those sloppy backdoor pilots where suddenly the whole Seaver clan was super-interested in some Poochie character that had never been mentioned before?

Like others have said, their goal in S1 was "Kill Vandal Savage". Every episode, they failed to kill Vandal Savage. Therefore, literally every episode was a "failed mission" until the finale.

I really enjoyed how quickly the "go back to 1916" plan went completely to shit. "Okay, we'll go back, but we can't interact with our past selves." "Okay, Ray's dead, blood's gone, so we'll interact with our past selves, but we'll trick them to make sure they don't know it's not us from their time." "Shit, that didn't

You try to pull that shit with me, man, I'll take that gun away from you, stick it up your ass, and pull the trigger 'till it go click.
That's right. Don't fuck with the Jesus.

I JUST watched the Robert Mitchum version and I want my two dollars back. Mitchum is a terrible choice for Marlowe, they transplanted the story to London for no particular reason, they took Chandler's sparkling, clever dialogue and stripped away any vestige of life. And, yeah, it's got all the production value of a