
That trailer's just so goddamn life-reaffirming that I want to go out and punch a kitten.

I wouldn't drink dog's milk either.

Yeah, it's supposed to be some kind of mix of people who 1) are good at roasts, and 2) people who are longtime friends of the roastee. Hasn't really been like that for a while on the CC roasts, but I think this was the most blatant.

See, I was (and still am) okay with this idea of a great and terrible "good" and "evil" fight going on behind the scenes. (One of my favorite individual moments, actually, was I think in Desperation where the newly religious kid considers the idea that God killed his best friend in order to bring the kid religion. And

Funny, I own that book but haven't read it. Honestly, the end of The Dark Tower really screwed up my desire to read King in a fundamental way. I think the only book of his I've read since is Doctor Sleep. . . which didn't exactly make me think I was missing a lot.

That's true, he's always been the type of writer who just gets his characters into trouble and then tries to write his way out. Which is fine and can be super-effective and surprising. But for some reason he seems to get gun-shy or bored or something and just pulls some random shit out of his ass to get it over with.

Well, King wrote from the perspectives of the guys about to be crucified, but he made it fairly clear that God decided to nuke Vegas. Even if not, it's still a stupid fucking ending. If Trashcan Man was just gonna drive a nuke into Vegas and blow the place up, why in the hell did Stuart, Larry, Glen and Ralph have to

The spider wasn't supposed to be Its true form, the spider was just the last form it took when somebody remembered a giant spider movie. The whole point was that It didn't have a true form.
But, yeah, it was weird that an ancient, formless manifestation of pure evil could be kicked to death by a bunch of middle-aged

"I don't remember CGI Pac-Men in this book . . ."

Yeah, that's the problem with a formless evil. That whole segment was pretty good in the book, It had no form, they couldn't really focus on It, It was shifting, not taking one form until somebody remembered a movie about a giant spider. So, basically, It is Gozer the Gozerian.

"the final confrontation with It is a bit of an anti-climax in both eras . . ." Yeah, that's the thing with Stephen King. It's kind of amazing, really. It's very, very rare for a King ending to altogether work, and the longer and more epic the story, the worse it gets. The Dark Tower series is the worst of the bunch

It's also the limitations of the old-style 22 episode season. That's a lot of time to fill, TV writers used to say that it was inevitable that every season you'd have at least three or four really bad episodes. But it also allowed for smart showrunners to have subplots that could play out quietly over ten or fifteen

"I think we're going to die, Bart."
"We're all going to die, Lisa."
"I meant soon!"
"So did I."

In that vein, I've got to go with Body Heat. The oily slick of sweat and stickiness just ooze from the screen, in spite of (or possibly because of) the fact that it was actually filmed during a weird Florida cold snap where it was near freezing.

"You're stepmom's cute."
"Shut up, Ted."
"Remember when she was a Senior and we were Freshmen?"
"SHUT UP, Ted!"


Unabashedly love that movie. It's plenty stupid, but very funny. Only really works if you've grown up with the Gidget/Frankie & Annette style summer movies, though. (My parents LOVED them and watched them constantly.)

I haven't seen it yet, the trailers made it look unbearably fratty and bro-tastic. I'm hoping those were just the trailers, but I'm waiting until some streaming service or other has it for free.

A lot of people have mentioned that they don't really LIKE anyone in Dazed and Confused, but for me, that was part of the point. Everyone involved are largely as insufferable as actual teenagers.

The caddies are all school-aged, so it makes sense that it's summer.