
It took me forever to connect Tackleberry's girlfriend/wife from "Police Academy 2" with Yvette from "Clue".

Maybe we can stop school shootings by telling all these disturbed kids that a bunch of boring impotent middle-aged white dudes did it first.

Yeah, amazing thing about that movie, and one of the reasons it's still relevant. Sure, you can identify with his frustrations, but that was the point. Mostly normal shittiness compounds to send this guy over the edge into crazed madman territory. It's a cautionary tale on how a mostly ordinary guy can end up gunning

Pretty sure hazing was widely accepted as just "a kid thing" in the 70's. Hell, we played "Assassin" throughout High School in the mid 90's at the end of the school year, using little rubber pellet guns to "kill" each other both in and out of school until one was left standing. Pretty sure you'd get expelled for even

I once spent a summer at the beach with a cast on my arm. Loneliest summer vacation ever, right up there with having Pneumonia at Disney World.

I loved it for a couple of different reasons. In my "real" life my social group was uncomfortably similar to Adam Goldberg's: hyper-intellectual, wandering around wanting SOMETHING to do but never really part of the partying in-group and too self-conscious for our own good. But in the summer I'd spend time with my

It also has a great acknowledgement of that first year when you have a grownup job and are stuck headed to work, hot and sticky in professional clothes at the same time that all the people you used to be just last year are in shorts and tank-tops, off to enjoy the summer days.

I'm going down to Emmit's fix-it shop . . . to fix Emmit.

Starz announced that about half the kids currently in High School are learning about the 9/11 attacks as a historical event that happened before they were born. The other half are learning about 9/11 as a historical event that happened when they were toddlers.

It was okay, I liked how they went full balls-to-the-wall and held nothing back. The only problem was that there wasn't a single even sorta-memorable character in the bunch and nobody to actually like. I remember a dick with a beard, some other assholes, and the "final-girl" who spent the first hour as a deadite.

I've got a stupid Evil Dead theory that's probably already out there somewhere that explains how ED2 can possibly be a sequel to ED1 AND how Ash's character changes movie to movie. Ash from ED1 is kind of a wuss, he mostly stands around being scared and gets thrown into bookshelves. Ash from ED2 is kind of a smarmy

See, I always figured that guy being a dick to Spider-Man was actually Darkman, reusing the same mask while keeping an eye on the superhero competition.

I always wanted the next sequel to be a direct continuation of the future Ash from the "real" Army of Darkness ending (they could retcon the "S-Mart ending" as a wishful dream.) Ash is in a post-apocalyptic wasteland dominated by deadites, with humanity's survivors hiding from the scourge until their champion appears.

According to Bruce Campbell, "Bad Ash" is his impression of Sam Raimi.

It's like the world's most annoying captcha.

Wow. Is there a "Blakk Metal!!" downloadable font collection somewhere?

The National Guard guys were hilarious. "Who's got the rocket launcher?" "Uhh, I do." "Well, come over here Earl!"

Yeah, kinda like those girls you knew in High School who only dated "College Men"as a sign of maturity and sophistication, then when you get to college and realize all those guys were next-level scuzzball.

There was that one trixie vampire movie not too long ago with Krysten Ritter.