
Que Sera Sera with "Heathers".

Funny, "Paint it Black" links to "Stir of Echoes" for me.

True on both, but Power of Love was written for the movie and Johnny B Good rarely comes up unless it's in a "Back to the Future" context, so I'm not entirely sure if they count (or maybe they're just too easy.)

God, yes. Plus, quite possibly the quickest recognition factor of any song anywhere. Less than a second and that whole song and accompanying scene is called to mind.

It doesn't come up that often, but Leonard Cohen's "Everybody Knows" will always be linked to "Pump Up the Volume".

Absolutely, I mentioned "In Dreams" elsewhere in the thread. Can't hear that song without seeing Dean Stockwell at maximum creepiness.

While I absolutely love FC Kahuna at the start of Daniel Craig's 007 audition reel (otherwise known as "Layer Cake")
That movie completely OWNS Duran Duran's "Ordinary World". https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Aaaaand, off to watch that scene again.

That was my thought, exactly. Harley Quinn's whole origin story is the dictionary definition of anti-feminist: a brilliant, independent, well-educated woman willingly abandoning all that to submit to the sexual ideals of an abusive psycho in the name of "love". Yeah, she's a fun character and her twisted devotion can

Interstellar definitely has a twist. So does Batman Begins, actually, with the whole Henri Dukard/Ra's Al Ghul thing. The difference between Nolan and a Shyamalan-type "twist" director is that Nolan's twists are organic parts of an already satisfying story instead of the whole point of everything that came before.

Smooth sailing for the Jews from here on in, right?

"You know this Hitler guy, he's a great leader. He's done great things for Germany. Really tough guy. Really got that country on-track. I mean, you seen his crowds? Yuge."

I find it kind of amazing that everyone has just collectively decided that WW2 will forever look like Saving Private Ryan.

Eh, I saw that less as "afterthought" and more as "I don't have the first clue how to get you back, but we'll be looking for ways on our little God quest." After all, he's already tried everything he could think of.

And also turned out to be an alien who dated Dan Aykroyd.

That's just SOP for today's Republican Party. Any scummy thing you've been accused of or have done, just accuse Democrats of it twice as loud. It doesn't matter if it makes any sense or even if it's wildly, blatantly absurd, just keep screaming and your supporters will do the mental gymnastics necessary to justify it,

I'm pretty sure Trump IS Bizzaro Obama.

Don't forget vaguely heroic-ish silhouettes.

Why did they cast Guy Smiley as Superman?