
I loved Dax getting all nostalgic over the "classic" design of the TOS technology. Fun fact that I KNOW has been written here about that episode before, they had to rebuild all the props from scratch. When they were checking for authenticity, they had to rip out a bunch of active lights and displays the prop people

Oh yeah, Riker rankles at a lot of what Picard says and Picard doesn't give a damn. Something else with Picard in this episode, I don't know if it was the lighting, the makeup, or just Patrick Stewart being an insanely good actor, but the "alternate" Picard's face is substantially altered. He's more haggard and

See, I didn't think she was learning new words or concepts, more like remembering things she already knew but had largely forgotten.

How was Barb original in comparison to the rest of the teens? The "type" is the killjoy friend who hates everything and doesn't want to have any fun. Barb's better written and acted than that, but so are all the teen characters. Steve might still end up being the scumbag his character type practically SCREAMS for him

For one, I'm actually okay with the teens' storyline so far. Everything has a genuine feel to it that's usually lacking. Nancy's just as much of a horny teen and not the character trope of the pure virginal princess, Steve's charming enough, if a little pushy (so, a teenage boy) but not a douchebag borderline rapist

It's interesting the things you notice when you start paying attention to trends. For example, Emily noted in the first review (though I don't entirely agree) that the women don't have the same depth as the men. Me? I noticed that these creators really have dad issues. Of the two dads shown, one's a scumbag and the

Yeah, I'd say Kenny Powers without the confidence. Gamby thinks he's owed the job, but he's not nearly as delusionally certain of his own awesomeness.

God, that apartment. I've lived in several of those cookie-cutter, blindingly "same" places from the sterile white walls to the beige carpet to the back porch a fence away from the freeway. The only movie or show that did as good a job of showing the crushing blandness of suburban apartment living was "Office Space".

That was my thought: Carpenter synth score plus Stephen King font plus Spielberg's atmosphere equals something that could be pretty fantastic. At least we know their influences are in the right place.

Well, yeah, that's what I meant. You picked a number that showed the maximum Republican hold on the House since including more or fewer years would've altered your number in the other direction. It's not as impressive to say "over the last 30 years, Republicans have held the House 17 of them, just a little over half."

That was Scotty's go-to fighting style. It was also his go-to seduction style. Plus his go-to Tuesday afternoon. What I'm saying is that Scotty might have a problem.

Agreed, but that would mean voters would have to turn down the heat on the candidate outrage machine and treat politicians like fallible human beings . . . and THAT ain't gonna happen.

Eh, that's misleading, there's a reason you just happened to choose "21" years instead of literally any other number.

Well, that's the trick, you can't win an election without pretending that you both know and care deeply about damn near everything. Confessing ignorance or just not caring all that much is a pre-written attack-ad. Again, some jackhole going on TV to expose their ignorance to the world is asinine, but politicians

Don't forget their copy of Death Wish 3, where Charlie Bronson goes into the inner city and kills just everybody. It's one of those movies that's so over-the-top it's GOT to be Verhoven-esque satire, but which a certain branch of conservatives take as a model of proper citizen behavior. Within five minutes of

Life comes from eggs. Not just for omelettes, ya dingus, you could make a baby boy or a baby girl too.

Not to defend Pence (ever) but in some ways I'm sorta okay with a member of Congress not understanding everything. There are lots and lots of complicated issues and they're just people, after all. I'd personally be fine with a representative saying, "You know what, I've got no idea. And while I know this issue is

Well, yeah, but it's a particular brand of stupid to make that part of the national platform of a major political party when less than 30% of the populace supports those positions. If a whole generation of people hadn't been trained from birth to hate "liberals" with an unreasonable white-hot passion the Republican

You simply don't understand. "Personal responsibility" is for other people. When it's white Republicans, there are always extenuating circumstances. Like all of those immigrants stealing jobs when they aren't stealing tax dollars, and all those moochers on welfare, THEY'RE the reason "we" can't get ahead, even though

Correction: conservatives USED to be about the status quo. These days, they would more accurately be called "regressives". The entire Republican Party is built around social policies from the '50s and economic policies from the '20s (at best) when they're not trying re-fight the Civil War.