
Yup, they're gonna prop up his corpse while somebody from the Henson Company crams his hand up his ass and works him like a Muppet.

That's true, he was perfect as a nearly emotionless cleaner.

Fun fact, that uniform actually debuted in Episode IV in the conference room scene. Though it did look a little more cream colored than pure white.

King is notorious for these momentous buildups that crap out with spectacularly awful deus ex machina nonsense at the last minute. In "The Stand", it was the literal fuckin' HAND OF GOD showing up to destroy Vegas. It's like King doesn't know how to build a happy ending without some sort of ridiculous last-minute

Or that maybe the fight we've been waiting seven damn books for doesn't end with the greatest enemy of all of the different universes connecting all of existence defeated by an autistic kid introduced five minutes ago with a magic fuckin' pencil.

Heeeey there, Roland. How's it goin'. Hey, look, here's the thing, I'm gonna need you to just go ahead and chase the Man in Black across the desert for the next couple decades, mm'kay? Oh, and, hey, if you run into any surrogate sons, if you could just drop them into a bottomless pit, that would be greaaat. Thanks a

He's also the only other man alive with half a mile between his nose and upper lip who isn't named Ron Pearlman.

No, just vast alien technology that only runs on D batteries.

Yeah, it really was a "Tommyknockers" level turd.

Well, especially if they DO get all the sequels they can fix some of King's worst betrayals of his own story and characters.

Yeah, so much of it is internal exposition and world-building with flashbacks within flashbacks, one big slaughter of unarmed civilians by the hero plus a ten minute chitchat around a campfire at the end with a lot of "time is a flat circle" style metaphysical meandering. Really, it's an aggressively non-cinematic

What's an "on-brainer"?


We all know the only man to play Stephen King is Gary Cole.

Yeah, but those are some pretty important chapters for Detta Walker.

I think that's the enduring appeal, it's an essentially impossible task with minimal preparation and no safety net that's more-or-less pulled off week after week that occasionally catches something unique in a way that wouldn't be possible in a more rigorously rehearsed environment.

Some of her delivery is just fantastic. Especially, "Yeah, I don't think I was dealin' with the top brass." and, "Nope, nope, it felt super off-the-books."

I'm having trouble finding the racism in Meyers' impression . . . it's just Mike Meyers acting like Mike Meyers while speaking Japanese-ish gibberish. It didn't strike me as any broader than anything else he's done or especially "Japanese Stereotype-y" to me, or am I missing something?

On SNL, Ferrell had a tendency to do the "yelling is inherently funny" bit so much that I got really sick of him. Later on, I had the same reappraisal you did where I had to grudgingly admit that he had comic chops beyond "I'm screaming!"

I'm pretty sure that was a repurposed anecdote from Bruce Lee.