
"The Wangs of Winter?"

You're still thinking about it in the wrong terms. You state "how dare you don't fall into line" as if it's something that doesn't affect you, that isn't a part of your community, that is entirely outside of yourself. The popularity contest aspect of an election is the LEAST important part of it. There were DECADES in

For fuck's sake, just kill Gotham. It was never a good idea to do "Hey, let's do Batman without Batman". It's even worse than "Teen Superman" Smallville. At least that one had the potential to see the ONE character we wanted to see. Unless Gotham does a 12 year old Bat, it's a gigantic waste of time.

See, I don't think of it in terms of morality, just pragmatic good sense. Sure, some policies are immoral, plenty of others are not, but either way I'm voting for the best possible (realistic) outcome because I care about what happens in this country. The candidate is largely secondary, and there is nothing I care

Also plenty of cigarettes to get you off of that caffeine.

I like imagining those lines based on reality. "So tell me, future boy, who's President of the United States in 2015?" "Barack Obama." "Great Scott!!!" *passes out* (Or, you can go with the classic and Doc replies, "Gesundheit!")

It's Wicker Park, so it's going to be Level-Seven-Vegan (nothing that casts a shadow) Gluten-Free locally-sourced free-grown moss with seitan crumbles and home-made ketchup. Otherwise known as not food.

It's got it's moments, and I can even let the Statue of Liberty slide, but the thing at the end where the painting changes . . . that's just the king poo-bah of, "Eh, fuck it, I don't care if it doesn't make a bit of goddamn sense on any conceivable level, let's just end this fucking thing." (Aside from that, also

Van-Damaged . . . in this continuity, the Joker's a huge fan of "Timecop".

So, there's still time to digitally remove that forehead tattoo, right?

Yeah, he got ONE thing exactly right . . . in every other way he was profoundly wrong. However, all the people who went willingly into his ark were all such slavish devotees to his vision that none of them considered that possibility for a single second.

I thought it was pretty clear, Pilcher determined that humanity's destruction of the world was inevitable and that humanity would mutate into the "Abies", that the building blocks of the eventual mutation were already showing themselves. He believed that 2,000 years would be enough time for the mutation to run its

I've never understood that line of reasoning, and it's everywhere. It's why all superheroes eventually end up with a kid sidekick, it's why Lucas felt the need to stick a bunch of kids in the Prequels, and it's always, always been bullshit. No little kid in history felt like they couldn't pretend to be Batman because

Wow, they even went to the "BROAD-casting" well. The only other time I've heard that one was from the cartoonishly evil villain of UHF just after he assaults a little-person cameraman, "Broads don't belong in BROAD-casting!!"

Not to mention the weird Country-Western-In-Canada town setting and the whole "FBI Black Badge division, but we're totally in Canada" jurisdictional fuckery.

If you were alive in the '90s they'll sound REAL familiar. Shades of Weezer, but crunchier.

As in, "I wonder what happened to the Oneders?"

Well, it's all relative. For an obviously foam-rubber costume based on a comic book, yeah, it looks good. As something that's supposed to be rock, not so much. Pretty much every time he moved the suit wrinkled and bunched up exactly like you'd expect a suit of thick foam rubber to flex and bunch up. As a practical

I'm pretty "Sugartit Cum-Dumpster" is the official job title of all women at Fox News.

It's not an all-time classic, or anything, but I'll watch it to the end whenever it happens to be on, and it was definitely part of the old "sick day" rotation along with "Princess Bride", "Monster Squad", and a few others. I also get a kick out of Buck's "scumbag" apartment across from Wrigley Field that would run