Ieshua Moses Ali

Public Office
is great and all, and I'm glad anyone can run for any public office. But, can we please, for the love of all that is good in the world, insist that one must pass a basic Civic's exam before they can run?


Agree that Neil deGrasse Tyson is awesome. I'm excited about this project. Go science!

Isn't Jessica Biel's shouldn't be in any movie, ever.

Psychopaths kill people for no reason, Cusack kills people for MONEY!

It's a shame they be throwing away perfectly good white boys like that.

Grave of the Fireflies messed me up pretty hard too, that was an incredibly emotionalyl draining film. I remember as a child having my heart torn out with the Artax scene, as well as the ending of The Little Prince. That movie always brought on the tears, from the pilots song, to the scene of Gene Wilder as the fox

I think the show could do a better job of relating TIME rather than distance. I mean book one was over the period of almost a year, and seemed very constricted in the show.

Didn't Sansa say something about watching her father's head get chopped off. I know in the preview she faints, but from the book, it seems even though Arya looks away Sansa sees it, and it becomes her driving motivation towards hating Joffrey SPOILER (sorta) even before the beatings begin.

Bronn's facial expression and exit when Shae jumps Tyrion, akward! … priceless.

Yeah, I always thought that Jorah bringin Dnay into the tent is what transformed and killed the baby, not the direct machinations of the witch.

I just hope he doesn't get Gary Coleman'd and end up cleaning the toilets on Ave Q.

Anyone else really impressed with Jack Gleeson portraying Joffery? my wife (who hasn't read the books) constantly comments on how she hate's his little smirk and looks like a douche, and she hopes he gets his. Anyway, I think he does a wonderful job of making you really loath Joffrey, and his little "speech"

Not to sound completely chauvanistic (sp) but, Cat is one of the more appealing adult female roles. Dany aside, compared to Cersei and Lysa, Cat is much mroe grounded.

Walder Frey reminds me of the "This American Life" podcast on Petty Tyrants…

I'd totally turn to Jesus for help, but no one really listens to what he has to say, so…

I'd go with Woodhouse

"Seems there was a little controversy there regarding your fathr's death."

Also, if image and the power of the Lannister name is what matters most to Twyin, then cleaning a deer himself in his tent where his men can see him (getting very little grim on himself) as a symbol of one who is not a pampered sod. Granted he can have others do the work forhim, but sometimes leaders need to do

I read Tywin gutting and cleaning the stag as symbolism towards what he intends to do to the Baratheons. Robert's dead, and now the Lannisters are going (to try) to reap it.