
Thanks for these reviews, Erik. As many times as I've seen these episodes, your reviews reveal whole new depths to the material that I have missed or never considered. Home Movies does not typically get the love it deserves, and it is refreshing to read thoughtful criticism from someone who understands what the show

Yes, it's my mission to release evil and gradually recover it following the death of many innocent people. - St. Merlin (not recognized by the Catholic church)

Yes, it's my mission to release evil and gradually recover it following the death of many innocent people. - St. Merlin (not recognized by the Catholic church)

Is there also an homage to the 1964 British horror film "Devil Doll" in which an evil hypnotist ventriloquist has a sentient, ambulant dummy that kills people? I only know the film from MST3K, but presumably it was better known in the UK.

You're right. The phrasing of Laybourne's speech to Abed was very Objectivist,what with the leeches and all. Abed's declaration that he would rather destroy his perfect pillow fort rather than let it be sullied with mediocrity of the blanket fort was directly from the plot of The Fountainhead, down to the

Watching Dr. Who would only confuse you more. Her stint as a companion is widely regarded as the worst part of the reboot. Only David Tennant's charisma saved that season. I went from absolutely hating her to hating her slightly less by the end. Her role as Nellie is a breath of fresh air and toned-down acting by

That milk shooting cow from the Kellogg's Cereal & Milk Bars advert was the most terrifyingly wrong depiction of a cow I have ever seen. I have been horrified at cartoon depictions of male cows with udders many times before, and maybe I'm mis-reading the gender cues in the commercial. So I can let that pass. It is

I'm still waiting for Scäb to release the full rock opera based on Franz Kafka's Metamorphosis.

Remember to believe in magic…or I'll kill you.