
I really hope we hear that this was just a tragic accident in a more-dangerous-than-average profession and that no one was taking shortcuts to save cash.

To be clear, I lived for 20 years in Colorado and never encountered any places like that, so, you know. Don't worry about going skiing or hiking or going to a Broncos game or getting some legal weed.

In a somewhat bizarre side-show to this, apparently the Detroit Redwings winged wheel logo has been coopted by some of these jokers domestic terrorists, forcing them to officially disclaim any involvement with them and to attempt to take legal action to prevent Nazis from using it.

There were parts of True Blood that were, if not good, at least entertaining. For example, any scene with Lafayette. It definitely badly lost its way as it went on, though.

She generally seems like a pretty delightful person who doesn't take herself too seriously and has a very good perspective on the general inanity that is modern celebrity.

Soooo will this be 11 cities in 11 years? Or is that just total nonsense at this point?

The general point of "women being ignored by men" is not a bad one, but this is just a terrible example of it. Gilly certainly had no idea what she was reading and, inexplicably, the Maester shoved in his literally kingdom-shattering revelation between random accountings he did because….I have no idea.

Fun fact: In earlier drafts, Frodo's name was "Bingo." Imagine reading a 1000 page epic story with "Bingo Baggins" as the protagonist.

Leader of the free world publicly shamed into belatedly condemning the actions of literal Nazis who killed a woman. Film at 11.

Not that this is a hot take or a shocking declaration or anything else, but my brain is completely unable to process that anyone would be capable of writing even in the privacy of their own home something like that "headline." That someone would feel comfortable publishing it on the internet with their name attached

Twitter and Reddit are both deeply complicit in facilitating these groups. And both of them have firmly planted their flags in the "free speech above all else"/"we love money" ground. It's increasingly disgusting.

This really has everything to do with me feeling like Caroline's more earned the right to close out the Netflix shows, having reviewed every single one to date than it has anything to do with being worried that Alex will not do a good job. I really enjoy his AoS reviews and I'm sure I'll really enjoy his reviews of

Given what Harry Shum, Jr. has spent the past two years doing (Shadowhunters), I cannot in good conscience support that choice.

Yeah, I think it has to be placed at the feet of Loeb and Quesada. I doubt Perlmutter does much more than bean counting. But, clearly, the TV side of Marvel doesn't have anyone in the Feige role of keeping track of the big picture and doing basic QC.

As awesome as SHIELD has gotten, we lucked into a shortened fifth season. Unless that show comes back with insanely unexpected ratings, I think we should absolutely expect this to be the last hurrah for Coulson and Co.

How can you tell which of those is good and which is bad, though?

He didn't regain any credibility for American Crime Story, because he's totally divorced from the creative side of that show. He's just giving it brand credibility.

Sam cannot inherit his family's lands or title, because (as apparently everyone has forgotten, including the show) he's a brother of the Night's Watch. He cannot inherit unless he is freed of his vow, which Jon only got to do because, you know, he literally died.

No offense to Alex, but I'm really really sad that Caroline won't be given the opportunity to finish off her reviews of the Netflix Marvel shows.

Without seeing Defenders, I don't know, but my understanding is that it picks up right on the heels of IF, so you might be a little lost about a few details.