Forget Minesweeper. I demand Jezzball! People got really competitive about that game in middle school.
Forget Minesweeper. I demand Jezzball! People got really competitive about that game in middle school.
TIL I've been protesting this my whole life.
Did you see Spectre? There was a lot of that movie that I barely recognized as happening, to say nothing for categorizing as "an enjoyable cinematic event."
Yeah. Fifth Element is far from a perfect movie, but Willis was basically at the height of his action star power, Oldman was a respected actor and member of Besson's repertory, and Jovovich was both Besson's muse and clearly working within the perfect range she's mined to great success for the last 20 years.
While we can debate the merits of Chris Tucker's career writ large, Ruby is a perfect role perfectly portrayed.
It's almost like headlining a $200M movie with three people who can't act (Dane DeHaan, Cara Delevingne, and Rihanna) isn't such an amazing strategy after all.
Yeah, the summer has gotten stuffed to the gills with new blockbuster releases. My wife and I are still heavy heavy theater-goers and, by this point in the summer, even we are pretty exhausted of making almost weekly trips to see the next big release.
And, clearly, plenty of people were happy to do so, for less-than-obvious reasons. Your OP in this thread is exactly right. While you like Ultron more than I do, it also has been very unfairly maligned. People went way out of their way to find reasons to attack the movie, which I don't get.
I mean, I guess they could've edited that problem away? But it's such an aggressively hostile reading of that scene that I'm not surprised it didn't occur to them. I was stunned that people read that line as having anything whatsoever to do with her sterility.
Heh, well, fair enough. Winter Soldier is my favorite of the lot by a huge margin.
I will never ever understand the controversy about that line. She's clearly saying she's a monster because she was brainwashed and trained to be an emotionless murder machine. It's a follow-up to "I have a lot of red in my ledger."
I think killing RDJ and Cap off in the sequel to Infinity War (whatever they're calling that now) is all but inevitable, but it doesn't mean I won't be sad. I love Chris Evans as Steve Rogers a lot. He's just perfect. But Cap and Iron Man finally overcoming their many differences and sacrificing themselves to defeat…
Ultron was a good movie, but it wasn't a great movie, and it was a far cry from Avengers or the other top dogs of the MCU.
If I thought my soul could handle it and I could get time off of work, I would seriously consider doing the five day (week? month?) nonstop MCU movie binge event, except that I'm not in college anymore and am sure I would lose myself into a psychotic break with reality before I even got to Age of Ultron.
Have your re-watched X2 recently? It might not be quite as great as you remember. Singer's original films haven't aged so well.
While the plotting of Dance is pretty bad, technically it has some of the best writing of anything Martin's done, and is worlds ahead of some of what the show has farted out when left to its own devices.
Or Ice is the Starks and Fire is the Targaryens and the song is the sweet love baby Jon Snow and his imminent genital cuddle party with Dany.
If that's true, that further underscores the inanity of her not being aware the word was gender neutral rather than masculine.
Also, it's a totally random prophecy being spouted by people who are not credible and might not mean anything at all.
The hottest of takes!