
I thought about a Shadowrun movie a lot, I mean a lot, and this is definitely not anything close to anything I ever envisioned.

Yeah. S4 was a big step up from S3. I just could not get into. It felt very emotionally and narratively inert.

The mixed blessing of implied depth of mythology is that it's often much less interesting to really unpack the reality of the mythology than it is to reference it and let implication and imagination do the heavy lifting.

I assume the spinoff would be Caroline's School for Gifted Youngsters, right?

it helps to be on the CW. Neither this nor TVD would've lasted more than 15 minutes on another network.

Given how the last season ended, I sort of have no idea what their plan is for season 5. Season 4 ended with a pretty defiant period that very easily (and satisfyingly) could've been the end of the show.

I like how a thoughtful, detailed article on why re-hashing an thoroughly overused trope that just screams "Danger Will Robinson!" gets immediately contorted into a free speech issue. Nothing about this has anything to do with the First Amendment. Nothing about this has anything to do with freedom of speech. Nothing

Look, say what you will, but mint juleps are delicious, and they shouldn't be ruined for any reason.

Boy would it be awkward if all the states full of people complaining about receiving federal benefits were not the states overwhelmingly paying for those benefits, but were actually the states overwhelmingly receiving those benefits. I don't even know how people would be able to handle that.

I'm sad that we burned so much good discussion on this yesterday before we had a delightful O'Neal thinkpiece to attach it to, but I always feel better about things when I come down on the same side as Sean.

To reiterate my point from earlier, I would be unreasonably thrilled to see Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool wearing the legless leotard outfit that Gwenpool is wearing in the comics from this morning.

Talk about your redundant sentences.

Oh. That would probably explain why it looks so familiar, then.

Has anyone ever drawn Deadpool with a pantless, leotard outfit like hers? Because I think that would be really funny and i would really enjoy it.

Is that a new image? Seriously, that cover looks like it got pulled straight out of the Claremont run. That is exactly how I remember her being drawn in the Phoenix Saga. Not like "oh, it's the same character drawn similarly." Like "that image exactly has already appeared in comic books."

Look, I hate cancer. I wish no one ever got it. I certainly don't wish it on someone with such a long and distinguished record of service as McCain.

And for that I will remain forever faintly grateful to the man who otherwise emboldened and enabled the alt-right's radicalization and seizure of power and who has otherwise paid nothing but lip service to stemming the tide.

Fortunately he's covered by Congress's superb health care plan, so he can focus on treatment, rather than being bankrupt as a result.

Given that almost the entire cast is British, there be lots of pale skin and freckles.

- A convenient one sentence summary of the entire series