
well, that's the operative from serenity, so those slaveowners are in for one big pile of shit if solomon gets his hands on a sword come year thirteen.

these blast points - too accurate for sand people. only imperial state highway troopers are so precise.

listen - i'll give you two thousand in bail now, and fifteen thousand when we get to alderaan.

can someone tell me what the song she sings is? i probably won't see this movie for a long time and an incredibly thorough thirty second search yielded no results.

don't they sing kurt cobain songs?

In this room…
there are two separate, yet equally important orifices.

i'll never let you go
i'll never let you go

the island is people!

pet sounds and sgt pepper's are pretty glaring omissions here, methinks.

chang didn't fail, taste testers. you failed chang.

college and the temple of doom