
Which is?

I'm glad my Roommates booked the Monday off for an extended Remembrance Day long weekend because I screamed STEPHEN FUCKING ROOT at the top of my lungs during the credits scene.

I find it funny that…
… You praised Little Mosque on The Prairie. It is essentially a rip off of the incredibly successful (by canadian standards) Corner Gas except it needed to have an ethnic twist to please the out of touch bureaucratic suits who run the CBC. I know of nobody that will admit to watching Little

I can't make a top 3 but I do know that Debate 109 is still my #1

Am I a bad person…
… For wanting Cuddy to die? In the end she broke up with house which served a similar result but still I want her to leave the show

I want see Craig Ferguson it would be a glorious train wreck for the ages!

Everyone I was watching the oscars with nearly died laughing at the Autotune bit especially the "He doesn't own a shirt" finale. Apart from the F bomb and Kirk Douglas it was my favorite part.