dan caffrey

(sniffle) I was…just trying…to do my job…as a…TV critic…and they all…ganged up on me..and said I was…stupid (sniffle)…I was…in my…living room…and I was…writing…a review…in my…underwear…and I…looked at my…review…and thought I looked…kinda smart..so later on…I put the review up…on…The A.V. Club…and…I typed in

Also, thanks for sharing this site in general. It appears to be a handy research tool for future reviews.

Thanks for sharing! While fairly active on social media myself (any culture writer these days kind of has to be), I admittedly don't always catch whatever the latest trending thing is. These observations make the episode all the sweeter. I'll make a couple tweaks to the review. Thanks again!

Just want to post my endorsement of your Disqus profile pic. That's the typewriter from Sesame Street, right?

True. But I'd argue that Aukerman deserves the title, at least for comedy podcasts. The man's launched an empire.

You bring up a good point. I was more referring to everyone who was displaced or abused over the course of the past few episodes (the McCormicks; Kyle and the restaurant owners, complicit as they originally were in the whole ordeal, etc.) in the name of urban development. Rereading it, it does sound a bit misinformed

Gah, you are right. Fixed! Thanks for pointing that out.

Growing up in Florida, I had a friend who also worked at a plastic molding factory that only produced triggers for toy water guns. Not the actual guns—just the triggers. The world of plastic manufacturing seems complex and maddening!

Drunk Muppets > Sexy Muppets

Ah, that makes so much sense. Thanks for the tip!

To be fair, I feel like SoDoSopa would be more accurate, given all the random capitalization in business names these days.

No, it's definitely SodoSopa. Only the "S"s are capitalized.

Fixed. Thanks for reading!

Ah, I see what you mean. I made an adjustment. Thanks for calling me out on that!

Didn't go to grad school (just a lowly bachelor's degree from Florida State), but am beyond thrilled to be writing about The Muppets on a weekly basis, so thanks!

Flaws are great, and as I pointed out, they've always existed in The Muppets. But when the flaws get amplified, some characters become more likable (Fozzie, The Electric Mayhem) and some less (Kermit and Miss Piggy). For the characters that become more unlikable, I think there needs to be a balance of the uglier parts

Thank BOO for responding BOO my question! EE-HEE-HEE-HEE!!!

Thanks for BLEEDING! By the SLAY, is your avatar from Welcome To Camp Jellyjam?

While everyone will remember Cruz for Breaking Bad, he'll always be immortalized for me in another very different drug narrative: https://www.youtube.com/wat…