dan caffrey

I love how they were worked into A Muppet Family Christmas. Gerry Parkes is the man.

Ah, so you were behind that awesome article. I once got genuinely mad at my wife because I showed her and a friend the Hooper scene while we were watching Jersey Shore or something, and neither of them were moved by it. Given the scenario we were in, I can't say I blamed them, but that scene always makes me cry,

Couldn't be more satisfied with this comments section.

For some reason, Digit always reminded me of when we see what Judge Doom REALLY looks like in Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

(Doozer guitar solo)

"Run, Gobo! That tidal wave of radish juice is coming our way!"

Gah, I love the Trash Heap so much. And I always loved how she emerged out of the ground. Such a simple effect but so powerful.

Today's Special! I think Gerry Parkes was on that show as well.

Have you seen the cartoon recently? It's been a while since I've watched it. I remember liking it as a kid but am wondering if it still holds up.

Me, too. The fact that it was on HBO makes a lot of sense, given its deeper content.

Same here. Have you ever watched the footage of his memorial service? It's heartbreaking but also beautiful.

Thanks for reading!

Thanks for finding that! For some reason, I associate them with the Stüssy, even though the S in that brand looks nothing like what we're talking about. Maybe it's just because lots of people were wearing it around the same time.

Oh, the mustache bit was certainly funny. I like how composed he tried to act when he wore it.

I personally haven't seen one in a while, so I'm always going to associate the double-diamond S thing (as I've officially dubbed it) with a bygone era. Thanks for reading!

That's a good point—him being too young to thoroughly articulate why he loves rap so much. There's still an insincere vibe about the whole thing to me though, and I don't think that's what the creators are going for. I wonder if there's a happy medium to be reached in the directing or acting. Anyway, once again, good

Maybe the scrawls are leftover from the '90s?

Sorry, I was going off the memoir and Huang's actual age. In real life, he was 13 in 1995, but I just re-watched the intro of the pilot on ABC, and he introduces himself as 11 in the opening voiceover. The voiceovers on the screeners we get tend to change, so he may have been 13 in the original one I heard (the

Ah, you're right about the informercial slot. Fixed!

And I thought I was the only one…