
She also used the dreaded "sir/madam" in her salutation. This instantly screams "blanket mass email" that's not even personal. The thing I can't understand is if her naïveté/ineptitude was on purpose, as in a conscious choice by Stone to make her not really fit in to the typical actor world? I mean, any other actor

My favorite quote from Amy and Bernadette, looking forlornly after Penny as she goes off to wait on Lucy at the Cheesecake Factory:

Thanks for the clarification on Barney/Robin! And my husband and I are conscious of the timing of the proposal only because we tried to get a sense of when the mother officially had to show up in order for it to make sense that older Ted has older children n 2030. We came up with this plan about a couple years ago

Question for the group… didn't Barney find out Robin couldn't have kids when they were both at the doctor's office awaiting news of her pregnancy test? Also, if Ted and the Mother wait another two years to get married then this means the kids are under 14 years of age (assuming Mother gets pregnant right away). Since

And yet another comment about Melissa George…
Yes, please go away- perhaps back to Australia where you can let loose your native accent and stop hiding it under breathy whisper-speak that accounts for much of your performance. And while you are on your way, can you take Grace Florrick with you? I've had quite enough of

I'm in the same boat! I find this season of the show delightful, even if not every episode is on the mark. Yes, they are definitely taking a risk with extending plot lines and gags to entire episodes, but this show still makes me laugh and it is one of the few that do, so I'll take it. I agree that the back and forth

Haha! I'm so glad I'm not the only one! When the last scene of the episode cut to Grace chatting online with Becca about Make-up, I groaned. OF COURSE, whenever there is a slight fuck-up of the Florrick public image it usually has something to do with whatever shenanigans Grace has gotten into. She's one of those

God, I love this show. Even when it's not the best episode ever, I still think this is one of the smartest shows on TV with a stellar track record for guest stars. I agree with other commenters that Kalinda is kind of a loose thread at this point. Am I the only person who REALLY wants to find out what happened between

I completely agree Re: Colin Hanks. I couldn't go into much detail as I wanted to, but he is a terrific actor and I just don't think he was given the right tools to do the role justice. And, as I recall, this particular season also highlighted that the writing had, indeed, taken a turn for the worse. I think this was

How long do you think it will be before Hannah poison's Harrison? And somewhere out there, Elway is still on the bus…

Yeah, I debated about putting Lumen on my list, but I was opening myself up to discussing more favorites and misses and then my comment section would have become a novel! Lumen was an interesting character foil for Dexter. My fiance hated that season the most, but I thought the introduction of a plausible love story

I'm not going to comment on the finale. It's all been said… I'll of my thoughts have been detailed elsewhere. I will say, though, that I double checked on the grade BEFORE I watched the finale, and I almost didn't bother watching it. If it's an F, and I trust the reviewer as much as anyone, there is a pretty good

Of course they want to make money. I just hate it when it's blatantly obvious, but sneakily disguised as something else. Probably would have had more respect for AMC if they just said, "Yeah, we want this money maker to drag out as loooonnnng as possible".

I'm a huge Mad Men fan and even I am slightly appalled by this decision. It screams MARKETING AND PROFITS PLOY, which immediately turns me off. Look, we've known for months, if not years, that Mad Men was going to end once the show reached the 1970s. Matt Weiner has been quite clear about this, so I feel like we have

Yes… good catch! Other inconsistencies I forgot to mention:  Masuka orders a beer and doesn't specify which kind, Dexter and Deb discuss Vogel's death by Saxon's hand WITHIN EARSHOT of police force (literally, Batista and Matthews are right behind them) at Vogel's memorial, and why does Deb NEVER mention to either

Further proof the writers don't give a flying fuck anymore:

I've been moaning and groaning about Hannah's lack of disguise for the ENTIRE FUCKING SEASON!! I'm glad someone else feels my pain. She's been marked, like, I don't know, 5 times now and not once has someone even broached the subject of "Gee, Hannah, maybe we need to get rid of that glowing halo of easily identifiable

I agree- Michael C. Hall is an amazing actor. These last couple of seasons didn't do his acting any justice, and you can sort of see his confusion and frustration on screen. And thanks for the comments! I'm sticking this show out until the very end, despite the fact that it's no longer the quality show it used to be.

1. Remember when Masuka used to be the comic relief and not the writing?
2. Miami: A place where binoculars and home surveillance does not exist, considering how much lounging Hannah Mackay has done around open doors, patios and windows she should have been relatively easy to spot for anyone who was dedicated to

So, anyone else out there who pretty much thinks Vogel is the Brain Surgeon? She's fairly superfluous at the point in the story unless she has been manipulating Dexter this entire time, which would be a reason the writers have been keeping her on. She also wouldn't admit at the dinner table how she came to study