Thaddaus Perkins

So. Was it Bennett that dropped the dime on Caesar? And long was that inbetween the time he left and door getting kicked in???

Every season I grow to hate Healy more and more. Even after I see how his home life plays out with his Russian bride (which j think might have some reason do why he treats women the way he does. Just as objects that's he's all-knowing about) it's scene like the one with Berdie that make me want to dive through my TV

Another gut punching part to me was when the alarm rang and they had to hit the ground with the kids asking "why are you on the ground? Can you get up? What's going on?" Then the little girl gets down.

i'm positive that boy at least peed himself after those kind words from Carol….i know i almosst did

is this going to be a regular review of MNR? SD too or….?

Carol looked like Mister Rodgers. for the rest of the episode i had the theme song stuck in my head to video of walker kills from all the puppets on Mister Rodger's Neighborhood. running on little sleep the last few days.

i think it was the fact that his parents had just recently separated and his mom left to move away. nobody knew that except the bully and Junior.

Went to see this with a friend. In one scene were she's laying on the bed and he's "flogging" her or whatever you call it with the whips, I turned to her and whispered "Deleted scenes from Passion of the Christ". We finally settled down after about 10 minutes of stifled laughter. If there's anything this movie is good

i feel like maggie will pick that up that slack lol

coda. the end of a musical section….meaning the end of Beth….it was there all along!

so. is every major movie release that spans several movies gonna split their final movie into 2 parts? i was ok with it with Harry Potter because Deathly Hallows is fairly length but good lord they're already running this into the ground

i think they need Beth for Judith. the only way to get rid of Beth is to off the baby as well. and if that happens then it's gonna be in the season finale. Scott Wilson has been great but yeah….it's about time.

i think the death of Brian doesn't hold much weight for me because 2 more episodes this season have Brian in the title so it's pretty much a lock he's gonna come back.

that makes me wonder how long they were in the woods. that was a fairly fast turn around time for them to see all those people and then a minute later they're all dead.

i'm so ready for next week. i think it might be Hershel to go. they have an army medic in Bob Stookey (despite how much i hate his character). and maybe Tyreese…..

the singing of the national anthem was the funniest part. i just knew one of them was going to blow it but Chris hitting the Whitney Houston high note killed me.

i played for a few years myself. it was kinda fun.

during the chess metaphor all i could think was "one of the writers must be a fan of The Wire"

the only reason i don't see it being meg is that because she's the FG punching bag and no season is completely without an episode as such. i think it will be chris.but who knows?

i do agree with that but i don't think too many people thought the fence was gonna break in the middle of sick ward going to hell at the same time. i think it added alot to the episode. you have a struggle for survival on the inside and outside. but now that seems to be over wo let's see what the governor has planned.