
I'll have you know that we have TV in my country, too!

Wow. People are the worst.

It was. This kind of makes me want to watch it again.
I think I'll be digging up my old boxset over the weekend.

I agree. I liked that Kevin was a smart, accomplished lawyer and a good husband, brother and son who just happened to be gay.

Yes! Rhys is so amazing on that show. Kevin was my favorite character by far.

Also Brothers & Sisters.
I loved that show so much, very underrated IMHO.

This appearance on my all time favorite podcast If I Were You was pretty amazing too, I thought.

You're right about it being a potenti distraction from far, far worse things, such as the story you linked to and Trump backing out of the Paris agreement.

That's fair enough. I hadn't seen that angle on it.

I'm not sure I agree.
I abhor Trump and all he stands for, but I hardly think that because Chelsea Clinton was harrassed during her father's presidency, that it's now okay to let an eleven-year-old boy have it.

I see your point to a degree, but I'm not a huge fan of the whole two/five/eight wrongs make a right line of reasoning. This was a vile thing to do, it made no statement and contributed nothing.

Wildly tasteless on Griffin's part.
I don't get how this shoot was approved.

Get thee to a punnery!

Oh, the old "covfefe Dutch person" stereotype.

Ah, thanks for making me aware of the correct nomencovfefe.

Hey, please don't start making fun of my language until I've had my morning covfefe!

Also, are you guys pronouncing it in your head as "coffeeve" or as "covfehfeh"?
I much prefer the latter, myself.

The lack of follow-up or correction really suggests that either his phone broke, or Trump himself finally broke.

I love, by the way, that I found out about this on the website for my preferred Dutch newspaper with a headline that translates to
"Trump's latest tirade ends in mysterious gibberish".

In Covfefe, all things are possible.