
I've never seen that, but it's a kid's show, right?

So… Question about this show.
Is it legitimately scary? Or is it just super schlocky and fun?

That's some high praise! I think I'm going to check it out. I'm not really watching a whole lot at the moment, so I have room for something new.

Is there any way I could start watching in the second season? Or would that mean missing crucial plot points?
I'm not particularly fond of procedurals…

Well, my instincts were correct then. That was what I was thinking. Thanks for sparing me a clandestine google search.

Being a non-native English speaker I don't know what that means and I'm somewhat afraid to google it on the library wifi I'm using.

Ah, OK. My entire knowledge of this show is based only on watching two trailers so I guess there was no real reason for me to think it would be comparable.
I might still check it out, though!

So, does anyone here watch this show? Is it any good?
Given my undying love for Supernatural it kind of seems like it would be right up my alley.

I don't know, is it wrong if I give him credit for walking away from what would indubitably have been a fat paycheck on principle?

Holy. Moly. No way.
I know I'm super late to this, but this is crazy.
I commented on his obituary and I legitimately felt sad about his passing because I came into contact with him here and there was such an outpouring of grief for him. So many people cared.

omg ur so racist!!111!one

You didn't hear about the Jolly Green Massacre?!
Damn mainstream media.

I like to have the podcast version of Real Time on in the background when I'm getting ready on Saturday morning.
I wasn't paying attention when Bill was introducing the guests this episode and then spent the entire time wondering who the incredibly smug, prickish Englishman with a crush on Trump was.

Ah, OK. For some reason I thought you were a dual citizen, but that of course hasn't been possible here since the late nineties, barring very limited exceptions.

Thank you for your response.
I agree. I live in a country (The Netherlands), the foreign policy of which is, in part, dependant on the U.S.
Just an example: we followed America into Iraq after 9/11, despite the fact that our own intelligence agencies advised against it.
On that basis alone, Trump's presidency terrifies

Indeed. I'm having a very difficult time deciding this time around.
Are you leaning towards any party in particular? Or do you prefer to keep that to yourself?

I'm glad I didn't offend you.

I have actually seen on the news that there are a lot of people taking action, and it's definitely heartening.

I wasn't trying to imply that Americans think this is all some big joke, I know people are genuinely concerned. Our national news media cover the protests almost every day.

I suppose that's true.
There's not a lot else that the average person can do, especially outside of the U.S.