"I want you to hit me as hard as you can."
I caught up with BB just in time for last week. I knew eventually something would happen and I wouldn't be able to insulate myself from it. Hank was a Red Wedding-level twist, it instantly becomes public knowledge without regard for spoiling because you can't not talk about it.
I atually think the whole Hank and Gomez, uh, "ending" provided the shock that has steeled me for whatever happens next, for better or worse. I think everyone is prepared for Walt to die, but Jesse? Skyler? Junior? Usually when you kill off a main character it establishes that no one is safe. But did Hank have an…
You know how the last Community review of the season always tries to go for 100,000 comments? The comments on the Breaking Bad finale review will go on until the heat death of the universe.
They're fencing foils and packs of cigarettes.
Catcha in da Rye Two: Da Soich for More Money.
"So far, he got two more pictures from her. Hers are lovely, full of color."
They clearly upped her hair and makeup budget in season four, but I always preferred the frizzy hair and cardigans.
Battlestar Galactica. I can't go back and appreciate the drama again because I know it's all for shit.
The "people in the street" promos reminded me of several people I know from the old neighborhood. They are actually racist, but think they understand ironic racism, so they think ironic racism gives them an avenue for secret-actual-racism, but they only come off as overtly-actually-racist. It's the most mentally…
Thanks. I'm woefully inexperienced with Pynchon, so I'll put Picture This on the queue.
According to my Googling, Season 2 also drops on Netflix today.
Another one I could not finish (man, I've been bad at this recently): "God Knows" by Joseph Heller. A retelling of the King David myth if King David were a crotchety old man who was fully aware of his historical significance. The problem is that it dispatches with the Goliath, Bathsheba, and Solomon stories early on,…
Tangentially related discussion of another postmodernist: I recently tried to read Stanley Elkin's "George Mills" and couldn't get through it. I read "A Bad Man" in college and liked it well enough, but Mills seemed to lack direction. It had a good buildup with the Crusades beginning and the present day's Mills'…
Was that an actual argument? Do they think steel grows in I-beams from the ground?
I stopped reading Ulysses when someone whose opinion I respected told me it was just Joyce flipping everyone off. I was inclined to agree.
Little House on the Prarie.
Can ya dig it, ya queeahs?