
It just seemed like you were popping up in a lot of comment sections today going out of your way to voice your disdain for Whedon.

This guy hates Joss Whedon, everybody! Joss Whedon hater coming through! Watch out everybody, this guy is definitely not a fan of Joss Whedon!

Steam adds up the hours played on each game. I added them up and found out I could have walked around the world in the amount of time I've spent playing games on Steam. That doesn't even include games I've played not through Steam. I'm happy to say that I haven't played one minute of computer games since I


I wish there had been an option in the story line to support neither side. Some sort of moderate "independence but not racial discrimination" faction.

You'd think the people of the Elder Scrolls universe would be less racist toward Redguards (who are actually human) than they would be toward the cat and lizard people running around.

I don't know what's not interesting about some kid going to college and trying to earn money for tuition for 1000 pages.

I wrote a strongly worded letter to my local NBC affiliate for preempting The Office (circa season 4) for live coverage of tornadoes in my area. No regrets.

I look forward to Hannibal Burress' "Scatting Megan Fox" sketch.

Actually, Mike, you can technically enhance images, depending on why they are blurry. Digital images transmitted across great distances (like from space) can be affected by noise during the transmission process, making them blurry/static-y. You can take the Fourier transform of the image, giving you an image that

Response, Knights of the Old Republic Version:

I think a lot of it has to do with the cable channels' willingness to show six or eight episodes of the show at a time.

That's very offensive to Irish musicians.

I'm glad you've said this.  I have no problem with not liking something and voicing your opinion on it.  It's the dissertations that are unnecessary.

How great would it be if Jay-Z and Beyonce turn out to be some sort of secret agent couple?

I wonder if he'll be able to bounce back from Tommy John surgery to be a dominant closer again.

Why is Harry Potter something to deflect a child from these days?

To be fair, the only movie I can think of where Jude Law does American is Cold Mountain, in which he plays a southerner.

To be fair, the only movie I can think of where Jude Law does American is Cold Mountain, in which he plays a southerner.

Here comes The Sun!  Da da da da!