Mrs. Alan Shore Esq.

Thanks. I suspected so. It also logs me out a lot and sometimes the log in doesn't "take."

Here is an X-File—comments in this section sometimes disappear, no matter what sort used, and can't be found using browser tools. What's up, AV Club?

Well, I'll give you that. Also I was way more attractive back then.

Is that the same group that thinks Fox News is real?

I concur. As a sci-fi thriller, it was an hour long.

This is not the X-Files I remember.
And not even a shirtless Sir to improve it.

I see that you also have a big sister.

Is Sunny Miller a username for Michele Dockery?

She is, but I was yelling at Edith to stop digging at Mary. You could see the retort coming. When will Edith learn?

"Downton Abbey wants to have its cake and its ha’penny."
So it's a perfect metaphor for the modern world that it ushers in.

Yes. There was, for one, the cell that bombed the World Trade Center on 2/26/93, and the more famous one that took flight lessons and then flew into the World Trade Center on 9/11/01. More recent was the group that planned and executed the Paris attacks, although that was in Europe, but a reasonable person might

Acknowledging talent is one thing, as long as you aren't supporting him with your dollars.

You said it so much better than I did above.

OK, but I hate both the Chris Browns for actual evil and the Gwyneth Paltrows for offending my sensibilities. I can distinguish between the two categories.

Is this in pidgin or something?

I like the theme song commissioned by Lewis Black. Catchy.

He does have all those bruises.+

Certain characters, and certain people in real life, might be racist, murderous, or Trumpian, but the fact remains that there are such cells in the US and abroad, so I don't find it racist or surprising that one is used in a show about FBI agents. Do you think that terrorist attacks are carried out on a whim?


So are you suggesting that the FBI conspired to recruit young men to the Babylon motel for classes on suicide bombing? That the teacher was an FBI agent, or paid by them? Because I didn't get that at all.