
I didn't know his name before I read this article, so if he's using his celebrity to help Haiti, they're not getting a ton of help.

Which character's rape will she be solving?

You take it back.

I looked all throughout the internet and I couldn't find anywhere that confirmed "charming nerd" as a synonym for "insufferable douchebag", which I can only assume is what the writer meant to say.

Nice read, Velma.

The best possible use of Fun.

"Maybe it's just been a while since I last watched this show, but something felt different about it, like the style had changed a bit."

I anxiously await the day I can buy Parks & Rec brand Salgar at my local grocery store.

I anxiously await the day I can buy Parks & Rec brand Salgar at my local grocery store.

Eartha Kitt would have loved it had she not already had sex with him in an airplane bathroom.

Eartha Kitt would have loved it had she not already had sex with him in an airplane bathroom.

Me too, even though I know I'll regret it afterwords.

Me too, even though I know I'll regret it afterwords.

She's the belle of the ball!

She's the belle of the ball!

I was in 7th grade, sitting in math class.

I was in 7th grade, sitting in math class.

Can't we just have 90 more episodes of Archer instead?

Can't we just have 90 more episodes of Archer instead?

I felt really old when I read that American Idiot came out in 2001.