
Dirty Harry
This Das Boot story definitely resonated for me, especially in context of the whole article. A little while ago I saw Dirty Harry for the first time with a friend who got VERY ANGRY at me when I ended up cheering a little when the DA told Harry, "You are a bad cop and we can't prosecute these cases because

The fieldhand gag
The best part of this joke comes right after the fieldhand comment. Mentioning fieldhands gives Mallory an idea: "Ooh, mint juleps!"

I had a similar experience
I tried to get into him about a year ago - I didn't just find him smug and self-satisfied, but his material is also incredibly homophobic. I'm not sure how mocking gays is "speaking truth to power," but I guess it earned Hicks a lot of respect at the time. It just upset and alienated me.

@Mister Z
Right, I'm not saying people don't enact this dichotomy, just that it's an unproductive one. The suffragettes who refused to tie their liberty to abolitionists' were ignorant, like the white, middle-class feminists of the 60's and 70's who seemed content to assume their experience was universal. But Gloria

I think it's significant that Gloria DOESN'T forget feminists of color - Norman Lear does. With Lionel's line about liberation, the show creates the same false dichotomy that many of us created after Prop 8 passed. In 2008, it was gays vs blacks, as though there were no black gays or that either's liberation

Verne Troyer
Anyone feel like mentioning the blackface scene? Uh, what was up with that?

Kids = better?
It's worth noting though that these kids interrupt one another far less than adult pundits do.

500 Days was just bad, you guys. They both act like high schoolers, he's awful, and we never get to know her, and it's got gimmick upon gimmick to distract you from the blandness of the story and characters.

Is your argument that it wasn't rape because she was "slutty?" That fallacious argument has been used to defend rapists for years.

Sorry, but drunken consent actually isn't consent.

Really interesting discussion
But I'd take exception to the failure to qualify the act as rape. The fact that Anna Faris appears to wake up a few seconds after Seth Rogen's stopped does not suggest consent by any definition, legal or ethical. Considering the amount of confusion that actually exists on the part of so

God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
So glad you mentioned it. High schools typically assign Cat's Cradle or Slaughterhouse-Five, but I think this is Vonnegut's best and most rereadable book.

While I know this is not quite a valid response to this article, I'd make a strong push in favor of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I resisted it for a long time, even as I began to love television and consider it the medium in which the best serial storytelling was taking place. Then, as a promise to my girlfriend, I

Whatever happened..
to the Tim Kring of last year? An apologetic Tim Kring, who took every opportunity to mention that he knew his show sucked, and kept suggesting he'd find a way to improve it? I prefer that creator-of-a-shitty-series to this one.