Maybe he's working on the screenplay now?
Maybe he's working on the screenplay now?
This is sad news (not Dennis Farina RIP sad, but still, a little sad), because this would have been an Oscar-level part for him. He can really sing, pull of the Mercury flashiness, etc, Maybe someone will get this done anyway?
Whoa. Looks like WTF has Thom Yorke today. That should be interesting.
I liked Giamatti, I thought the character was funnier, but I liked the dynamic between Kumail and Ventura even better, especially that bit about coming to this country to not be targeted by drone strikes. Thought he nailed that one. Good stuff.
This is right up there, but your entire life will instantly be thought of differently when you consider the" Bill Murray-Brian Doyle Murray are brothers", Hollywood's greatest "how did I now know that?"
So, yeah, every comment thread is about Ryan Reynolds. Wonder why they keep making movies with him?
New trend?
Haven't read any comments, so here goes anyway, re: Ryan Reynolds.
No pic of Gillian Anderson here, but I've seen one and she was positively radiant! Gorgeous.
Please please please write a memoir, Virginia Madsen. The most underrated actress of the past thirty years. I am both glad and kinda upset that "Prairie Home Companion" didn't come up, since it would just be more of "Robert Altman is brilliant and wonderful", but, then again, I never get tired of those stories…
I was lucky enough to be introduced to comics by my uncle who had the majority of the first 150 issues of Spider-man.
You for got to add the part between Day 1 and Day 2 where Ye just sits there and stares into space like David Puddy until he comes up with the line, calls Jay Z and Jay says "That's gold, Jerry. Gold!" Because, yes, of course Jay Z calls him Jerry.
Great choice for a primer. I read the line about their "lush sound" with a capital L at first, which made me think of the band Lush (how I miss them) and a little but about how that band's career trajectory matches up well with Belle and Sebastian's, tempo-changes and all. The Smiths, Lush, Belle and Sebastian…wow,…
As the resident Dr. Katz avatar guy, I am compelled to respond. I know how unhealthy and unappealing it is, yet I still can't resist Diet Coke with Lime. Oh, the humanity!
Please, please, please do shuffle thread every week. It's my favorite thing they don't do on AV Club anymore. Love it.
Agreed. I think this cover is fair if they promise to have a follow-up cover of him in the electric chair, so that the kids that we are all presumably worried about will get the bigger picture.
Actually, this is the exact same issue they were addressing in Manson's Columbine piece…
This is outrageous! Everyone! Boycott Rolling Stone, The Rolling Stones, really just all stones and anything that rolls.
I think I'm more offended by the Coward George Zimmerman Gimmick poster.
I laughed at this in spite of all that is good and decent. Well played.