A feckless attempt to curry fa

Actually, since I just google image searched Elric, it looks as if David Bowie has been auditioning for the part since the Ziggy days.

Actually, since I just google image searched Elric, it looks as if David Bowie has been auditioning for the part since the Ziggy days.

and directed by Brett Ratner!

and directed by Brett Ratner!

I hear they have Macaulay Culkin ready for the gritty reboot in 2015, He's just getting into character already…

I hear they have Macaulay Culkin ready for the gritty reboot in 2015, He's just getting into character already…

Does that make Ellen Page his new Annie Hall surrogate?

Does that make Ellen Page his new Annie Hall surrogate?

This just makes me angry, as much as I love Tom Hanks. My friend barely scrapped together 20 grand through Kickstarter to distribute a documentary he made largely at his own expense, and people are more than willing to throw money at a statue of Chuck from Castaway. The wrong people have way too much money.

This just makes me angry, as much as I love Tom Hanks. My friend barely scrapped together 20 grand through Kickstarter to distribute a documentary he made largely at his own expense, and people are more than willing to throw money at a statue of Chuck from Castaway. The wrong people have way too much money.

Shhh! Corgan is reading this! Too late. He's booking a flight to Tokyo right now.

Shhh! Corgan is reading this! Too late. He's booking a flight to Tokyo right now.

"Mayonnaise" gets my vote too. it's more 1979 than "1979" is, kinda.

"Mayonnaise" gets my vote too. it's more 1979 than "1979" is, kinda.

My money was on the second comment being the "smiling politely" line. Just missed.

My money was on the second comment being the "smiling politely" line. Just missed.

He is the best. I love the fine balance he strikes between threatening and completely affable as the"Littlefield" character when Jerry and George go to pitch the Jerry show to him.

He is the best. I love the fine balance he strikes between threatening and completely affable as the"Littlefield" character when Jerry and George go to pitch the Jerry show to him.

At the same time, it explains perfectly how Sandler operates: He's basically the World's Nicest Boss so nobody can tell him no. He's like the George Lucas of horrible comedies that way.

At the same time, it explains perfectly how Sandler operates: He's basically the World's Nicest Boss so nobody can tell him no. He's like the George Lucas of horrible comedies that way.