
"Do you want me to shoot it?"
"Do you want me to pass?"
"Do you want me to slam?"

No love for Smash Your Head Against the Wall? I prefer that to Townshend's solo stuff.

Yeah, save your A++ for Parks and Rec.

Anyone read The Shining Girls? I enjoyed it while I was reading it, but it left me pretty unsatisfied as far as the larger driving mechanism behind the House and its effect on Harper Curtis.

Halle Berry's breasts in Swordfish.

Maybe I'm misremembering the book, but I picture Barbie and Julia as middle-aged, like in their 40s. They seem a lot younger in this series.

There was a sequel to the book "Hatchet" where the kid went back to the same place for a magazine article or something, and the plane crashes again, etc. That seemed pretty unlikely even to 10-year-old me.

The kicker line to that was the best laugh of the season. "Which one of you didn't believe?"

That was my first thought as well. And even "All the Best Cowboys Have Chinese Eyes" is pretty good.

"Why does everything have to be so complicated?"

That's a $150 bill right there.

Nah man, Dennis.

Nah man, Dennis.

War farts!

Hired goons?

For this to be realistic, it should have had Hines Ward blocking. Hines Ward is an amazing blocker.