
What a fitting send off for this season. An odd couple of jokes, and the rest of it not feeling like Simpsons at all.

This was a GREAT movie for the eyes. The sound design, animation and cinematography were FANTASTIC and I can't gush about them enough.

I'm gonna be the odd one out and say that I really liked this episode.

Simpsons did it!

This was a strange, strange movie. I enjoyed some aspects of it. The filming style was well done (good drab color palette, and felt believable as something from decades ago). There was just the right amount of sound effects and movement to make a lot of Depp's gestures a bit creepy/unsettling. Unfortunately, it was

Yuck. Although, the animation seemed a tad better than normal. More varied camera angles, lighting, etc. Hmm.

I like the show a lot, but sometimes it just feels like there's too much happening without enough breathers. Like it could be directed just a little bit better. Also, there are some really awkward commercial break placements. That said, good ep, and Bob's dream was awesome.

I don't know why, but I liked this episode a lot. I haven't enjoyed a 'new' Simpsons in a while, but this one had quite a few gags that just worked for some reason. Much better than last week. Although the ending was odd.

"Strawberry Quik is my favorite pink-based beverage! Narrowly beating out Pepto-Bismol."

Episode started off really slow for me… but it definitely picked up its pace midway through. I loved the Marshall subtitles. I'm glad it appears that Barney and Quinn won't be a forever thing, because I still don't like Quinn and never thought it was realistic how quickly Barney was falling for her.

Did not like.

And the masses rejoiced.

Very true. I thought he was by far the weakest one in the whole episode.

I can't decide how I feel about this episode. I don't really find it so believable that someone like Bernadette would JUST now find out about …well, who Howard has always been.

I liked this ep a lot more than last week's.

I don't know why this ep didn't click with me. It was just "OK". Barney's romance with Quinn irritated me in this episode and he just doesn't seem as heartfelt about the whole thing as his feelings he's had for Robin.

Man, the pre-show promos basically gave away the WHOLE Stephen Hawking cameo. For those of us who watch BBT in Canada, thanks a LOT, CTV.

Far be it from me to insist there should be proper continuity in Family Guy, of all shows, but it irked me that they brought back Jolly Farm and didn't even allude to the whole freakin' adventure Stewie and Brian had visiting the set some years ago. Did that episode end with Stewie being 'into' the show again? I can't

I didn't find this episode very funny. Maybe because the promos spoiled Leonard Nimoy's cameo, and it never really went anywhere. I thought he would at least show up in-person at the end.

Did anyone else notice the animation error partway through? They were in the pool, and I believe it was a shot of Linda. You could see her body under the water, but it was only partially colored and the black outlines kept going down further which made it look like they just forgot to finish coloring.