
Pete is very forward thinking with regards to race and social status. After all, his character is described as a High Wasp. I think he is the opposite of what he comes from. His family looks down their nose at commerce, trade, advertising, etc. His whole career is an affront to what he has been taught is high brow. He

Most fathers ignored children below the age of 5, even to this day you see it a lot. Kids under 5 require 100% attention. I know someone that spoke only French until he was 5 and his dad spoke only English. And they lived in the same house.

Harry is self-made within the agency and he will continue to rise. No one even pays attention to him and I'm sure he is making the best connections that will pay off. Funny that he has not pulled in an account worth millions yet. Maybe he will be a rainmaker soon. I hope he does. No one ever speaks to his wife,

First off - I love Harry Crane. He is on his way to success and is always goofy about it. He seems very confident and independent. A little arrogant now but foolishly so.
He is very much a splinter group of his own and it works for him. WTF? Caesar with no dressing? You mean lettuce and croutons? lol. He does seem to

Hate the new girl
Is anyone else turned off by Faye as much as I am? What a hateful, condescending bitch. This is the first time I could not stand watching a character on screen. Ugh. The ring, the name tag B.S., the pretension. The Hypothesis? are you kidding me? She treats women worse than the men do on this show.

Pete's father-in-law has been an S.O.B. to Pete. He ripped Clearasil account the first time due to the adoption issue. Pete's parents showed him no love and we're S.O.B's as well. Good going PETE! Be the S.O.B they all taught you to be and win at their game.
Love that Ken was the catalyst for Pete to get the big

Don told this girl that it was his birthday because he can't tell any else that it is Dick's birthday. Imagine not being able to say it's your birthday to anyone, ever. He could tell only a stranger. Once again a lonely life for a man that is never alone. Dick looks for opportunities to be Dick with people.

The night Sally was born
Didn't anyone catch on to the fact that Dan was with some woman when Betty was in labor with Sally. Sally busted him by asking him to tell her the story of his birth. Turns out what he was doing was something he was not proud of. And not unlike his own father. Cheating on your wife with