Wallet Inspector

For Our Consideration: Girls and Tyler Perry Productions are Pretty Much the Same Thing

Clarence Carter: Strokin' America Back to Greatness

It's funny, on the DVD commentary for that episode it unexpectedly comes out that Al Jean wrote the line
intending it as a genuine barb towards the Carter days, and Groening
always thought the line was meant as a parody of over-the-top hatred of
Carter.  There was an amusingly chilly tension on the episode commentary

Watching the show at a bar in Venice Beach that's doing a modified/expanded version of Tina & Amy's GG Drinking Game:

What a wild, wacky week it was!

He's Goldbluming.

At some point last year I did an image search for Ira Flatow and was so pleased to find that he looks exactly how you'd expect him to look.

Try reading it again in Chana Joffe-Walt's voice.


If it's legitimately a monkey question, the body has ways of shutting a butt down.

That's a monkey question, bro.


Another vote for Make 'Em Laugh here.  Not just a great, joyous song, but a virtuoso bit of physical comedy too.

Agreed.  Two great performances IMO, but otherwise a lot of poverty porn designed to make art house patrons feel like they watched something meaningful.  And after hearing everybody talk about the magical realism - what magical realism?!  It was two and a half minutes of stampeding pigs shot in close-up!

If I had to choose between what's actually nominated, I would probably decline a vote.  Not to say there isn't good stuff on the board, but very little difference for me between the nominees I liked most and the ones I found mediocre (though I will say I thought Beasts was incredibly overrated).

*Hits Ctrl+F to search for Holy Motors*
*Sees no results*
*Becomes enraged*

The soundtrack introduced me to both Nick Cave and Dan Bern, for which I will be eternally grateful.

A friend of mine works at the legal department at Hustler and he tells me the This Ain't ____ XXX! titles are dictated by the studio and entirely financially motivated: there's a slightly better chance somebody will stumble onto a porn parody of The Expendables when they call it This Ain't The Expendables XXX while

I knew something was off when the trailer brought to mind less LA Confidential and more Mulholland Falls.

And so Lone Star, now you see that Evil will always triumph, because Good is dumb.