
However, they did popularize getting banned from Chicago, which, let's be honest, was what the children needed.

Really, the moral of this story is that black suits are cool, but you actually need to be cool to pull it off.

Hey, 17 year old FiveFingeredLeoWong bought a vintage black suit because of the Blues Brothers.

The sad truth of capitalism is that most can't afford to have a conscience.

I can't understand how we've managed to stay alive as long as we have. Every single thing is going wrong, but all of that wrongness is in perfect balance. I've heard something similar called Three Stooges Syndrome.

Wait, normal people don't listen to '20's gospel music and read about shamanism?
Also, he shouldn't be listening to gospel, he should be listening to calypso!

Yeah, just because Aziz said he was uncomfortable doing it doesn't mean that his statement should be taken as a condemnation of those who decide that they can do it.

Would you rather meet someone raised by wolves or raised by Wolf?

He and Letterman can be beard buddies!

No one is talking about Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!, and that makes me sad.

The fly in the ointment: Sun Ra's Space Is The Place

Big fan of Dr. Black, Mr. Hyde, which, for all of its stupidity and lunacy, deserves plaudits for trying to say something interesting about race relations and the notion of "passing." It's not a good movie, but it's interesting. The whole thing is up on youtube, should anyone so desire.

Sounds like something that's already been done much better by early Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Blitzen Trapper, and Blaak Heat Shujaa. I'll admit, when I heard "acid blues," I was thinking about something far fuzzier (e.g. Butthole Surfers' "Pittsburgh to Lebanon), so the fairly polished sound threw me off.

"Now zhat's a being-tovards-death." - Heidegger's ghost

I guess we should officially turn the lights from bacon to bacoff.

That fucking lamp.

She's just suffering from lead poisoning from her make-up.

Hey, Clickbait Jesus subverts and ironizes the post-post-modern anthropocenic Weltanschauung.

"I notice that you skillfully employed your dick joke according to Freud's dicta on humor, Griffin!"

Jay Leno has the Hapsburg jaw. Death has been after his family since the 1400's.