Edited for TV

The last time we see the countdown timer on the bomb in the city, it's at 1:30. This is the point when Batman lifts it into the air. Generously assuming it takes him 30 seconds to clear the city, that leaves him 60 seconds to get 6 miles from the city (the radius of the blast). To do so, he would have to be flying at

The last time we see the countdown timer on the bomb in the city, it's at 1:30. This is the point when Batman lifts it into the air. Generously assuming it takes him 30 seconds to clear the city, that leaves him 60 seconds to get 6 miles from the city (the radius of the blast). To do so, he would have to be flying at

This bothered me too, at first.

This bothered me too, at first.

I agree completely with @avclub-f2bb3fde1fe4de3211cccfa3a66c4124:disqus 's take on the relationship between Stannis and Melisandre. The murkiness surrounding just what they were doing - and how they interacted when no one was looking - made it satisfyingly sinister. Given their natures when seen in the books

I'd never heard them before, and I'm in love. These are the days for music saying, "Fuck yes, fuck you!"

I became a Meat Loaf fan back in grade school when Bat Out of Hell II came out. It's been my dark secret ever since; can't tell friends for the profound shit I'd get, though my brother does share the love.