
This is a very British TV ending to the show, albeit without the last 2 episodes being xmas specials.

I'm surprised they didn't mention the Marvel UK reissues Darkhorse did in the 90s: "Devil Worlds" - they included a few stories Alan Moore wrote and illustrated. Really out there stuff, even for sci-fi. Plots included R2D2 landing on a droid junk yard planet, where a jesus-eque droid has a religious following, Han and

I lost it, same thing when he said "we delicately placed the cadaver in the over" as they literally shove the limp, contorted, pizza dough bob of a body into the oven.

There's a NEW Mexico!?!?

I have a relative who wrote off Louis CK because of either this incident or some other things the right-wing said about how offensive he was. Nonetheless I showed them a Louis CK bit about cell phones because I knew they'd appreciate it and sure enough they found it hilarious. Mentioned the fact that he does USO tours

That Minion is clearly saying "Uncle Buck"

Another made up term to throw in there, the USAF calls UAVs RPAs: "remote piloted aircraft," and I have no idea which is official anymore. Anytime I spoke with my brother-in-law about the program he said they were calling them RPAs the entire time (This would of been 2010 or so). He ended up being a C-17 pilot, the

My dad had the VCR ready for that. Mostly taped the movies they aired. I still can't watch Honey I Shrunk The Kids or Alice In Wonderland without wondering when the next commercial break with and non-bald Howie Mandel will come on.

I remember telling my friend about this after seeing it in theaters, he found every quote and scene description I said hilarious. Once he saw it, he admitted he was disappointed. I must of oversold it. I'm a big of the movie though. I love how much they poured into the city backdrop as well, feeling very much like LA

Years ago after my sister came home from a trip to Colorado one of the first things she raved about her visit was Casa Bonita.

I was going to watch this at work on break but I realized I didn't have headphones. Then I realized that wasn't an issue, and that it also makes the idea of this being a edited video less impressive. (I suppose I'm missing some dubbed in panting and sqeaks but whatevs)

"…I believe Abraham Lincoln invented it."

Someone did a Burial "remixes" of 'Nookie' and 'Thong Song' awhile back. It's probably only kinda of humorous to those not familiar with Burial's work, but to electronic music fans it was fucking hilarious, a perfect inside joke (Burial often samples late 90s pop music). Also, dat artwork.

Huge fan here, and member of WATMM, the site that has been behind a lot of the detective work behind these tracks.

Even more to the point, it was on behalf of British Petroleum.

I had a compliment from a neighbor for wearing it. She was this sweet, meek Jewish woman who I would of never guessed was heavily involved in Socialist International politics. (She told me she has a raised fist paper weight.)

The garage rock scenes is pretty fun and unabashed. Check out anything off Burger Records.

He forget Will Forte's character Tim Calhoun, who essentially was a prophetic vision of Ted Cruz's career in the Senate. http://i.imgur.com/iiUunrb.gif

He's been DJing in the last few decades and his records have varied greatly. His DJ set at Coachella included Run DMC and a goofy dnb remix of System of a Down.

One of my first thoughts was how great he was even in the movies met with mixed reviews: Jumanji, Hook…