
"It's a Yorx stereo system to be found 20 years later at Goodwill in non-working condition!"

Is this referring to Goode Family? Because I think that was a bomb for a few reasons, but partly because ABC forced so many changes that diluted it heavily. It could of worked as an inverse version King of The Hill.

At this point, the only opinion of her's I'd be interested in are her feelings on that tightrope guy who bounced on his crotch in a Toga and perhaps how it relates to defeat of the LTTE in May 2009.

For an artist who actively references the 3rd world, she's the poster-child for 1st world problems. I can't tell if MIA actually wanted this to occur (which is logical knowing her) or if she's truly that stupid. Either way, it'd be nice if she fucking grew up.

Funny enough he has one that's probably his biggest solo hit called "What I Like About Texas" and it's as straightforward as it's title. Musically and lyrically though it's nowhere close to "London Homesick Blues."

I can't hate this song because I really liked the remixed version used in the introduction of Gran Turismo 3. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug. :/

"London Homesick Blues" by Gary P. Nunn is the quintessential love song to Texas, specifically the version off of "Viva Terlinga" by Jerry Jeff Walker. Longing to be home is a great premise for a song and it works well juxtaposed against dreary London.

Pssh, fuck the Barlow Toll Road, LET'S RAFT DOWN THE RIVER.

The biggest problem with Spotify is it caters to major labels and corporations. The aim to pay musicians for their music being streamed is not the priority. It's not the model that's at issue, there's a reason musicians and independent labels still flock to services like Bandcamp and Big Cartel - they are as hands off

"Lots of movies are badly written, badly acted, or just ineptly made. What sets The Room apart is its total, guileless, accidental commitment to all of those things."

This trailer is just begging for a techno remix.

This is what he and his wife have been working on recently. Bit softer and more mainstream appeal visually than say, Burzum's Aske EP http://ancestralcult.com/fo…

Ah, good point. Yeah there's some very typical trip-hop sounding scratches and effects in that track.

I think there's a good chance he's innocent and all talk. But when you've been convicted of murder and arson in the past… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The only patriotic counter to this list I could come up with was Bill Murray's motivational speech in Stripes. It's a fairly modest and humble one compared to most pro-American tirades. http://youtu.be/D8Q1fDf0GeY"We're all very different people. We're not Watusi. We're not Spartans. We're Americans, with a capital

I wonder if she would of graciously obliged Berdymukhamedov if he requested her to sing "Taco Flavored Kisses."

d'oh! I confused them with synth legend Wendy Carlos >_<

Off the top of my heads I'd recommend these albums, especially if drone or beatless ambient is what you're after:

I don't think I've seen a picture of BoC not outdoors! There aren't many pictures of the brothers in general, just a few promo pics for each album and a couple from the few times they've played live.