
I always assumed it was salt and pepper in ketchup? That's how we did it when I grew up.

Wait, do they need to turn into wolfs (ie grow teeth) to heal? Has that been stated?

Waaaait a minute. If she is the killer, they will at some point have to call her by name, and I do believe that is impossible.

Seriously, why does he trust her? He's like "Oh, I've never heard of you before and you know all my murderous secrets and have obviously manipulated a lot of people - would you like to have some tea while I tell you about my sister?"

I really thought that Quinn would be behind the mirror listening in on them. To high expectations, I guess…

Hannah has teamed/hooked up with one of Vogel's former patients, which Dexter jelaously discovers while snooping.

And there will be one new each week, that Dexter conveniently can kill, until at last finding the right one.


I think Lydia is like a puppet that can be mentally acessed and controlled by anyone evil on the show, for the mere puropse of having her "do" something, and perhaps also leading us to corpses.

Like killing of the ladies? Heather, then Erica, and also the new girl that saved Isaac (and seemed pretty awesome) and then got slashed. But hey, we got us some new guys!

I like how the kids were out in the woods and had prepared jars to catch fireflies with when they supposedly don't glow over where the show is set.

And is also like: "Hey, 16 year old kid, I'm gonna show you some dead bodies. Oh, did that scar you?"