
I never knew so many people hate Inca Mummy Girl. I love that episode. It's full of humor and has some of the best Oz noticing Willow moments. Plus, Willow dressed as an Eskimo is awesome.

Anyone else notice…
…that when the SNL hosts are thanking everyone as the credits roll they always say it's been the best week of their lives? Is this true? Or are they just reading the cue cards?

Mark has definitely been underutilized this season, but I always enjoyed what little he had to do. One of Mark's greatest moments was informing Jerry he was adopted.

Yes, J Dawg, I loved Mark's off-camera "shut up!" It was so unexpected it made me chuckle.

I don't think the pit subplot has been resolved. They still have the pit fundraiser chart thingy on the office wall. Plus, Leslie wouldn't give up on the pit without finishing and seeing it through. I'm sure we'll eventually get back around to it. It's basically just an example of the slow as molasses bureaucracy

I pray this is a lie. That's cold, NBC!

"And I loved that for the first time, we got the sense that these people actually enjoy one another's company."

I'd love TV Club to cover Veronica Mars. At least the first two seasons. I think the second season was better than the first, but I think that puts me in the minority. Season three could have been great if the CW hadn't screwed with it.

True. And I loved his speech about marriage and love, though I can't exactly remember it right now.

I actually think Troy IS the funniest character. He makes me laugh more than the others, anyway. The whole exchange between him and Jeff on the football field was highly amusing. I find Britta so un-amusing that I wouldn't mind if she transferred.

He won! Awesome job, man.

I use the milk duds and white fish line quite often. I'm also a fan of the sequence when Johnny's on his way to the chair, "Ante meridian, Uncle meridian and all of the little meridians…."

Something like, "It doesn't have to be a big deal." I think.