
I think the shouty cadence is the show's signature at this point but it can be kinda annoying for someone who isnt fully immersed in the scandalverse. I watched the premiere with my boyfriend and all he could say was "why is everyone yelling" LOL poor thing

I guess i just dont see being first lady " as running with the big dogs" for someone as forceful as mellie, hence me side eyeing that line of reasoning. I'd expect a woman who did all of the things you mentioned without blinking an eye to be consistently plotting and actively trying to get somewhere else. More often

I never did, but at some point, I entertained the idea of them having some sort of friendship or sense of companionship in the early years before the rape. So here we have two absolutely awful things happen to mellie-the rape + dead child and all she has to show for it is the office of the first lady? one that she

Exactly. With olivia it makes sense because. feelings and parental attachment is a beast that most people struggle with, but for the rest of them? shouldn't they all be hardened and cynical enough at this point to see the big bad right in front of them? especially now that Rowan is pretty much one dimensional as a

I accept this to an extent but what's mellie former glory? For all her complaining about being a rose on a vine or feeling constrained by the first lady's office she is still remarkably attached to it, but to get to a point of explicitly saying "my son died so we could stay in the white house" was so strange because I

I am of two minds about this because I understand that its actually kind of a necessity to do it if they are gonna salvage any of the batshit anything goes craziness from season 3. The only way to do that is to attach consequences to the actions of characters who often seemed to grapple with none as they moved from

A- really? i know these things are subjective but i kind of feel like i must have been watching a different episode. The tell tale sign that something was amiss was when I actually started chuckling when fitz was beating the crap outta jake. The music interspersed with the flash backs of him and olivia was just so