"Scallops…Aren't. For. Liars!!"
"Scallops…Aren't. For. Liars!!"
- I love Lena and Kara's friendship, so it's terrible that my first reaction to Kara's faith in Lena being vindicated was that I was happy that it had proved James wrong. That is NOT a good sign, but I agree that idealogical foil could be the best fit for James going forwards, if only they could write the actual…
Wow, my stress level come upfronts might be the lowest it's ever been, what with the mass CW renewal, the early Good Place renewal, and now this. I think there's only one show that I both love and am genuinely concerned about now, with a few that I'll be pleased if they get renewed but not quite at the same level.
Can we just export Rory to Legends of Tomorrow, where they've got the art of finding flimsy excuses to bench their most powerful person down and where we as an audience have learned to roll with it because we're having so much fun?Actually, with Ragman the excuse could be in almost every timeline, "Rory leave the Rags…
I bet he finds an excuse to take the Waverider on a field trip to see it.
I was afraid they were going to saddle Ray "Unlucky In Love" Palmer with another love interest when she first came on board, so I'm happy that didn't happen.
By 0 to 100, I meant they went from having never even flirted or shown any signs of mutual attraction before this episode (that I recall) to sleeping together.
That was a great scene, and Ray did have a fair point about the Bubonic Plague.
Mick got to be part of two great bromances this episode: his continuing one with Ray (no matter how short the scenes were, I still loved them, and awww! Ray gave him the perfect present it seems), and of course his new, historically significant one with Washington.
Uh…wow. Nate and Amaya went from 0 to 100 in a single episode. Not that they were chemistry-less, but I'm pretty sure there was no prior hint of this before now (although the review indicates I've missed some). Unless Nate was trying to set up the Lucas movie marathon as a sort of stealth date and Ray was the…
How about this one: for a few weeks in a row not too long ago, every Arrowverse show started a few couple of seconds into the episode, so Flash would miss the "My name is," and start abruptly with "Barry Allen!" and so forth.
Did anyone else have the sound missing from the first 6 or 7 minutes of the actual episode but not the commercials leading in? This is the second week in a row it's happened for me. I figure it must be my local station, but I wanted to check.
Oh I'm with you there - I really hope Julian's shirt doesn't turn out to be as red as it seems. The writers better not be putting them together just to fridge him as a way to fully unleash Killer Frost.
Jess' "Secret World" moment killed me.
And Winston and Jess singing the theme to Reading Rainbow might have earned this episode an A from sheer happy nostalgic sentimentality.
Actually, apart from the familiar and inevitable "I can't believe you kept this from me" part that we were wearily bracing ourselves for… I actually liked this episode a surprising amount. Nowhere near as much as I hope I'm going to like the next episode (Wells! Jessie Quick! Grodd! Gorilla City! Dimension hopping!),…
See, now I'm imagining that Jeremiah is like The Silence from Doctor Who - everyone forgets him when they can't see him. It would explain how he's apparently remained free and roaming Cadmus all these years.
I had a bit of a rant below, and I got so caught up in that that I forgot to mention the part that made me smile the most: Kara was watching "Auntie Mame" at the end!
Warning: I'm going to veer into rant territory, usually reserved for those in my immediate physical vicinity. So apologies.
I really, really liked the DEO bottle episode portion of this episode, but the rest of the episode as a whole had me literally clutching my hair by the end scene for the following reasons:
I'm a huge mythology buff, and it's impossible to even read the name "Ares" without thinking of Kevin Smith and then being sad. He was incredible in that role.
Happy to help! Hope to see you in the comments when Season 3 starts in April!