
"This is the proudest moment in Camp North Star history!"  I love how the camp was so cheap that Tripper was also the bus driver.

"This is the proudest moment in Camp North Star history!"  I love how the camp was so cheap that Tripper was also the bus driver.

Great show, funny guys. I still laugh at their comment about one of those non-WWF wrestlers: "This is the kind of guy you see at a bar in the daytime opening a month's worth of mail."  The Spelling Bee eps are classic, as are anything involving dogs.  Was this the episode where Dwight Stones was on and took credit for

The first year Conan O'Brien was on, he had Mike Nesmith. At Conan's request, Mike sang "Some of Shelly's Blues." So pretty but so sad.

I'll have a super-flirty Choco-Minto-Cherrytini please!
While I don't blame Sex and the City for the invention of overly expensive drinks, I DO blame it for making them popular among the 20-somethings on the Upper East Side who drink 'em and then get "sooooo drunk" and annoy me and my friends.