The Pope of Chili Town

Favorite homerism: "I dont want to alarm you but there may be a boogeyman or boogeyMEN in the house" also a candidate for best simpsons scene along with the homer as terminator chasing flanders

Moh chihi pease!

That's unpossible!

I just got into the show and also am in an "unallowed location". The firefox add-on anonymox works well for me…

Yea, I enjoyed the episode but the whole resolution seemed pointless if he was just going to get called back from his exile 4 minutes later. I was hoping that if Sherlock was going to murder the guy it would be in a more clever Sherlockian way (he had it figured out all along and would use his experience in

The humor in your pun is deba-table…

I pine for the days before pun threads…

They coudlnt get his non-union iranian equivalent Gabrielzadeh Garcia Bernalnezhad

Not sure if anyone´s mentioned it but Exit Though the Gift Shop went from a documentary about street art to changing the focus completely but in a really entertaining way.

"Just do your job, heart boy"

This is just your memory, I cant give you any new information

Yea, along with the bogeyman or bogeyMEN sequence its one that I will always laugh out loud to no matter how many times I´ve seen it.

But out of the two who is the one that "nose" the truth?

Hard to eat: based on the sherbert "Stone Cold Stones" by Manipulate

"I wish I was taller"

Where´s Waldo

Where´s Waldo

Put it in H!

Put it in H!

Exit through the gift shop started out as something I expected (a documentary about street art) but then went in a completely different direction.