How'd you all miss the obvious Tom Hanks based pun, Joe Vs The VolPlane-o?
How'd you all miss the obvious Tom Hanks based pun, Joe Vs The VolPlane-o?
Am I the only one who still hasn't quite forgiven the show for revealing Garrick to be Zoom? It's a twist that makes Nina-as-mole in 24 seem plausible in comparison.
Is it just me, or is Claire a person you'd hate to have in your circle of minor acquaintances, let alone friends, let alone lovers?
I don't think I'd miss Claire. Is she capable of speaking without chastising, sighing in exasperation, and/or rolling her eyes?
Spoilers ahead, but…
My guess is here's how the successful audition for the character of Laura went down:
"And he does it invisibly because society is already set up to accommodate his power. "
That implies that if he were dressed as, say, a Phish fan, he'd be too conspicuous to get away with his actions. I'm going out on a limb here but I think the show is trying to establish that it's his power that allows him to emerge…
Spoiler ahead:
Some of the most truly disturbing acts enforced by Killgrave's powers are suffered by white guys (including the guy who's forced to stand and face a fence "forever," which registers as very unsettling when we see him there twitching helplessly 24 hours later), but I can't claim that they're *rich* white…
Simpson's obsession with killing instead of jailing Killdrive is merely an attempt to reestablish his masculinity? lol
There is only one thing Apple does better than they do marketing, and that is design. The form factor on all of their products is nearly as nice as the boxes they are sold in.
You probably shouldn't have bought crappy Windows computers. It would be like saying you got fed up and decided to buy a Maserati because all the Ford Fiestas you owned sucked, when you could have bought a car priced in between the two that's better than both.
Infuriatingly, your friend has a *lot* of company.
Underrated Bonham-on-drums performance (and Zeppelin song in general): Out On The Tiles.
And then there's Good Times Bad Times in which he sounds like he's using two kick drums, but he ain't.
Man, I hate You Go Girl Rock.
BUT we did get that ridiculous line from Rayna's daughter that went something like, "But when will she wake up? It's been two weeks already!" during what was apparently the first conversation she had about a coma in that time.
I didn't watch the hole thing. Did the woman's husband die? I'm almost sure he did, because the beginning he all but said, "I swear, I'll love you until the day I get shot by one of your enemies."
Shows like 24, Homeland and now The Bridge sure make it look easy to plan, time and execute a high-speed collision into the side of a particular moving car.
As inconsistent as Nashville is, I still have to say that the scene in which Rayna's daughters take the stage to perform a cover of Ho Hey hits every note right, even the non-musical notes. Not a thing out of place, and I particularly dig the littlest sister glancing around with excitement when the rest of the band,…
The Shawshark Redemption?
I don't know if I'd just dismiss the "human error" component as a danger that's far less significant than a more natural, less human-dependent threat.